My favorite photos: Orange Tent

Orange Tent, French River

Orange Tent, French River

This photo was taken during one of our canoe trips on French River, Ontario. We camped for the night on an island with a beautiful view, and the bright orange tent completed scene nicely.

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2 thoughts on “My favorite photos: Orange Tent

  1. It looks like a great spot, and you’re right about the colorful tent creating a nice accent. How far do you canoe on such a trip, and is it all flatwater paddling?

    • This trip was 4 days at about 10 km per day (I’d done it in 3 days before too). It’s mostly flatwater. There is one set of rapids that are easy to portage, so I never bothered to figure out if the rapids are runnable. There is lots of whitewater on other channels of French river though – there’s a lifetime of trips.

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