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Psalm 119:37
Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.

Matthew 6:22
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,

Matthew 5:29
If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell

Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.- Nikos Kazantzakis

Men trust their ears less than their eyes.- Herodotus

Being Held Back When Moving Forward
At least that is how I feel when I see Game Of Thrones. Just like anyone else, I get hooked by the story, get a good feel of how it all works and, to some degree, get involved in it too. All goes well until one drawback occurs: The Sex Scenes. There is nothing wrong with implied scenes and ones that look like something is about to happen but does not because a cut to the next scene in the story happens instead.
I remember seeing The Pilot when it came out in 2011. At the time for some reason, it was not appealing to me, There must have been some other series that I was more fascinated with and followed. During that time until now I had seen numerous other series while being constantly bombarded with the question: have you seen Game Of Thrones? I took no regard to it and thus for each of the seasons that came out I was not phased at all. It was only in the fifth season that I chose to find out what the hype was all about, especially when it escalated over a few leaked episodes. The irony in that was me discovering the episodes before everyone else did, yet I was not following the series. 

The Adventure
I dove in and needless to say I was impressed with the way the story evolved and the clever play with the events that took place with each of the characters. What did disturb me was the number of times I saw sex scenes. Some are pure nudity only but others are just flat out porn. This took me back to the days I used to see Spartacus. For those who do not know, that is a series 50 times worse than Game Of Thrones. That one is 7/8 porn and 1/8 series. Nothing worse than finding that out the hard way. I am not sure why there are a few series that have very graphic sexual activity in them. If I wanted to see any form of sexual activity I would go watch porn.
For Game Of Thrones I saw 2 seasons. As for as story goes, they were amazing seasons. The challenge comes with thinking about the characters because some of them a partially known for their performance in bed, that becomes difficult to think about them without including that in the equation. I was shocked to discover that the series generally had at least 3 sex scenes in every episode and each episode lasts 55mins. The evil in the scenes is displayed in the dialogue that comes with them. For the sake of not losing any part of the story you would feel forced to see the whole scene. Fortunately I am skilled in catching up on missed scenes and some times episodes.

Those defending these may be of the belief that they last a short time and are therefore no big deal. That’s where the problem comes in. You compromise your beliefs long enough to justify what you see so that you can enjoy the series/movie. This begins on a small scale. The more you see it, the more you compromise, the more vulnerable you are. Next thing you know, you are completely defending it as if advocating for it! Furthermore you would be so caught in the trap that the short scenes become longer (as I discovered as season 2 was progressing), you miss that and before you realize it, you are very comfortable with an all-out porn scene!

Skip To The Point
Someone may ask, “Why not just skip those scenes and move on?” The reason is because it takes so much effort. You get sucked in the story, you pick some characters you like, you root for them, you have a preconceived idea of how the story will unfold as the events take place before you, you are overjoyed where you are correct and pleasantly surprised where you are corrected, only to have all that  broken by the fact that you also have to remember to fast-forward the scenes. That is a lot of effort! You should not have to skip anything in any movie or series in the first place.
I heard that the book has some measure of sex in it but slightly gets overdone so that the value in the novelty of the book is diminished. I also found out the HBO enjoys inserting unnecessary sex scenes in nearly all their shows in an attempt to expose a particular part of a character’s personality. I think it is just to boost ratings because sex sells. That is the sad reality.

Are You In Or Are You Out?
I am honestly torn between seeing season 3 and not seeing it. Do I endure when I know it will get so much worse, or do I guard my heart and protect my soul since the eyes are the window to the soul? I know how the game is played and I can follow it quite easily. If anyone has no problem with Inception (especially the end) and The Saw Saga, Game Of Thrones becomes a piece of cake! I do not want my life affected negatively and my subconscious changing a part of who I am because of unknown implications entering it through every drop of a sex scene placed in front of my eyes. I have no idea what message could be delivered. I do not want to be a part of whatever that may be. Prevention is better than cure after all. With all that said, it is the end of the road for me. The game was sensational while it lasted. I can peacefully state that I have no idea how the rest of the story unfolds and that is alright. Every time someone asks me, “Have you seen Game Of Thrones,” my response will simply be, “I have and while I don’t want to know, I am comfortable with forever wondering what happens since Winter is coming.”
It is officially Game Over.

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