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My 100th post! That’s not daunting at all — considering that before I realized I was up to the big 1-0-0, this post was going to be about how I’ve been too busy to work on my blog as much as I would like…..and I still am. HEY! It happens to all of us from time to time, so this IS going to be a blog post about not having time to blog.

You’re busy. I’m busy. We’re all busy. Sounds like a reading primer for the 21st century……

“Jane is busy.”

“See Jane trying to make a deadline.”

“See Jane bake birthday treats.”

“See Jane take Spot for a walk”

“See Jane make dinner.”

“See Spot vomit on the new carpet.”

“See Jane drink wine.”

“See Jane cry.”

“See Dick pretending not to see Jane cry.”

“See Dick sleep on the couch.” *

ANYWAY….. here’s what I’ve been up to, instead of working on this blog….

BEING A LIBRARIAN — Ordered and received a shipment of 120 new books for the school library, which, incidentally, cost the district $1,500 (yikes!!!)  — covered, labelled, catalogued, and implemented a “hold” system whereby the students fill out paper slips to request the books….as an alternative to standing in front of me screaming, “I. Want. That. Book. NEXT!!!!!”. Definitely an improvement. Heads up – if any of you want to read one of my two copies of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever this school year, there are already 15 people in front of you. Bummer. I know.

BEING A COOL MOM — Took Evan (Will and I are going in May) to NYC for the day. Made sure that he got to see Grand Central Station, Central Park Zoo, NY Public Library, and the Empire State Building. His Top 10 for the day?

1) The bus ride up. We watched Hop on a portable DVD player, and he used his first bus bathroom. (First time for Hop, too — we loved it — I’m a sucker for animals with accents)

2) The M&M Store (three stories of M&Ms!!!!), where he bought a stuffed M&M.

3) The Times Square Toys ‘R Us (where he bought a stuffed Wonka “Nerd”)

4) The Central Park Zoo sea lions (we got there JUST in time for a “show”– very cool)

5) The guy eating fro-yo out of a trash can.

6) The quantity, color variants, and close proximity (total lack of respect for personal space) of the pigeons in NYC.








7) The bicycle rickshaw guy who pedaled us for thirty blocks because Evan wouldn’t get on the subway and I refused to pay for a cab when the Metro is $2.25. For future reference, the rickshaw is about as expensive as a cab and probably twice as dangerous, but we both thought it was AWESOME.

8) The guy painted gold with the gold boombox strapped to his gold bike.

9) The guy at the souvenir shop who gave him a free postcard (after I spent $30 on a statue-of-liberty statue (isn’t that redundant?) and Tshirt that I wanted him to have that he refused to spend his own money on)

10) The Times Square McDonald’s where he demanded that we eat dinner (ewwwwww).

COOKING — Now that Scott’s diet is over (although he is still logging everything he eats – shoot me NOW), I’ve started cooking dinner again. This week I worked exclusively out of one of my favorite cookbooks — Cooking with the Firehouse Chef by Keith Young. This week, I made Chicken Marsala, Penne with Bolognese Sauce, and Steak au Poivre. Such a bad blogger – I should have taken pictures, but I was too busy eating and cleaning pans!

What have YOU been up to?