By Alyssa Green

Whether your kids love them or hate them, there is no doubt that bugs are fascinating creatures.  And local author Brandee Mae Hughes not only loves them, but is on a mission to get kids to love them, too.

First, it was her website Bula Bug, dedicated to educating kids about nature, with a nature fun store, a blog and a place to share photos. Next, was the publication of her first book, World of Bugs, Backyard Bugs which uses fabulous photography to teach kids about commonly found creatures such as the ladybug, butterfly, dragonfly and praying mantis.

And now, Brandee has published a second book, World of Bugs, Backyard Guide, which teaches kids how to find those hard-to-spot creatures that blend in with the environment around them, and what to do when they do spot them (look, don’t touch.) And once again, through fabulous photographs and simple phrases, Brandee’s book instills in those that read it, a respect for nature and the creatures that live there.

Brandee, who is from Auburn, has always had a passion and respect for nature and has more “World of” books in the works including lizards, birds, and frogs. Look for them soon!

If you think your kids would love to read Brandee’s books, you can purchase them here. Brandee has also graciously given us a copy of her first book, World of Bugs, Backyard Bugs to give away to one of our lucky readers!

Want to win it? All you have to do is visit the Bula Bug website, then come back here and tell us why your child would like to own Brandee’s book. A random drawing will be held on Friday, July 5th.  Good luck!


About Bula Bug

Bula Bug brings children and adults face to face with the insect world through vivid close up images and fun/educational materials.

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