Vintagey Goodness

Yesterday I got a little bit of time to myself and I headed to a favorite store that I really can’t go to with the kids, a lovely vintage store called Flower Child. This is a treasure trove of vintage clothes, kitchenware, toys, home decor, and more. It screams color, fun, and breakable, lol, hence I can’t take the kids with me. I periodically go there to see what Pyrex they have and scope out cute shoes. Lucky for me women had tinier feet back then and my kid sized feet can actually fit vintage heels! Oh, and did I mention all the strawberry goodness there? Yes! If you like strawberries then vintage stores are a gold mine.

It was really nice to just stroll around this HUGE store, discover clothes from the Mexican 60’s or a 50’s kitchen, browse around without having to worry about little fingers reaching for everything, and just catch a breathe. =) If you are in the Cleveland area and want a neat experience I highly encourage you to check this awesome vintage store out! (And if you must bring the kids you can take them next door to Big Fun Cleveland, a cool store with vintage toys!)

One thought on “Vintagey Goodness

  1. I love vintage stores – literally could spend hours in them. If you haven’t already look up OH So Lovely Vintage blog -they’re so cute! FYI Love the light section.

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