
As part of my assignment, I take call twice a month. This week, my call was during the day—which is great, because if I get called in I can still rest at night. Also, not so great because this means I have to drive in a day early. I decided to make the most of it and plan my day as an adventure and sight seeing around town with my scrubs/shoes and backpack in the car “just-in-case”.

Here’s my day in pictures.

Spring is springing here in Florida. I miss the azaleas in Tallahassee and this walk gifted me with many—-both pink and white and in all their glory!
A quite little neighborhood right on the edge of campus. Hardly any traffic which is great since there were plenty of puddles and mud on the side from recent rain (reminding me it’s not just the university, but the state that is “The Swamp”
Interesting yard art
Devil’s Millhopper. A geological sink that has multiple waterfalls feeding it. The sink itself is brown and gross, but interesting. And a whole. Lot of steps down…..which sadly meant a whole lot of steps back up.
The first time I’ve paid less than $4/gal in two weeks and somehow this feels like a bargain??? Sigh…..back to more exciting stuff….
Paynes Prairie—closed on 441, but was able to stop and grab a few pics
No gators this visit but it could not have been a more spectacular day
Local cattle stomping through flooded prairie
Observation tower overlooking the prairie
Wild horses—you’ll have to trust me
View from the “uncrowded” 2nd level of the deck. Too muddy to hike in my flip flops, so I settled for this. Not too shabby

Glad I went with my gut and “killed time” exploring Gainesville this beautiful day instead of waiting in my apartment for a call that never came!

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