It’s Official

Sorry for my absence on posting these past few weeks. Work and life have been busy. Kettlebility is expanding, we are offering more classes, implementing a new online system and I have had more clients. All really good stuff! My training has been outstanding over the past 6 months(Thank you Brett Jones!) as I prepare for the RKC Level 2 at the end of this month. I have made incredible gains in strength, body comp and the amount of work I can do.

Unfortunately a few weeks back I injured my right wrist doing some heavy double pressing….not totally sure what the cause was. Over use maybe…I did tweak it about a week before the injury teaching the clean in class and demoing “what not to do” but it seemed to recover fine. Regardless I have pushed hard these last few weeks working around my injury but have yet been able to get back to my training loads and volume.

Some important lifts still cause pain which include the Tact Pull up, Snatches, One Arm Swings, and Cleans. Also anything over a 32kg in the rack or press really puts stress on the wrist and it fatigues quickly. I have come to the decision of waiting till next year to obtain my RKC Level 2 Certification. Tough choice for sure, I took some time to reflect on this and feel it is my best option to wait.

I want to attend, learn, and pass.

I am still training hard, working with a bit lighter load, less volume and focusing on 1 or 2 lifts a training session. Wrist continues to improve each session so for that I am grateful! I have some new goals in mind for this year and will continue to work on owning that 40kg press.

Sometimes you just have to be patient…

Was really looking forward to going, meeting the great people who are working just as hard to pass this cert. I appreciate everyone’s motivation in the online all will be in my thoughts as you rock the RKC2 this month!

Much More to Come!

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