New Post At The Energy Collective: Would a North American Energy Pact Lead to Energy Independence?

“Screw the Canadians and be good to the Venezuelans.”

So Richard Nixon advised his aides in 1970. This was about oil; the Canadians were not doing what U.S. officials wanted. So screw them.

Forty-two years later, the situation is quite different. Mitt Romney wants to fully embrace Canadian crude oil so that we no longer have to import oil “from the Middle East or Venezuela or anywhere else where we don’t want to.” The U.S. should adopt, according to Romney, a policy of importing energy from Canada and Mexico exclusively. His campaign refers to the idea as “North American Energy Independence.”

Read more at The Energy Collective.

One comment on “New Post At The Energy Collective: Would a North American Energy Pact Lead to Energy Independence?

  1. P. Spiegel
    November 5, 2012 at 10:01 am #

    Energy market quite contrary,
    How does your output grow?
    With oil wells and
    Electric cartels and
    Pretty windmills all in a row.

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