Wordless Wednesday- The Gang’s All Here!

Graybie Baby
Hissy Fit Jones
Yella Fella
Little Girl

21 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday- The Gang’s All Here!

  1. what a wonderful family…I have one, too…and when they are not driving me nuts, they make my day….it is, however, a close call…yours all look well-behaved and cool…mine behave like monkeys most days?

  2. WOO HOO!! Iss grate to see all of youss’ today!! Have a wunderfull week Graybie an Hissy Fit an Yella Fella an Littul Gurl. Happy Bee-lated Mumma’ss Day Lady Jenn ❀
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXXx

  3. Looking good, you cuties! We’re so glad those calming collars are working for you. πŸ™‚

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