>9th May update

>Hello all

Thought it was time to bring you up to date, Derek and I have been working hard raising funds and I have listed the current financial position below and although optimistic are running out of time. I have copied Dave Gray of Radio Orkney into this e-mail hoping he would be kind enough in one of his broadcasts to give an update to the public letting them know the situation and requesting further pledges to the cause (imposing on his good nature!).

I have also copied in Cheryl Campbell from the Orcadian who has given us the exposure so far and Craig Taylor from Orkney Today who keeps in touch regularly with me at Kirkwall Airport. I am also ever hopeful that the Orkney Media Group may be interested in making a contribution to this unique event.

Current picture:

Derek Mowat, Dunstane House Hotel……….£1000

Lawrie &Maggie Mitchell, Setter, Firth…..….£200


Andrew Brown……………………………………………£200

Ian Thain……………………………………………………..£ 50

Jim and Jean Thompson…………………………….£200


Eddie Ratter, Scapa Garage………………………. £200

Norman Brass, Blue Star garage, Stromness £200

R Clouston, Kirkwall…………………………………… £100

DS Nicloson Rendall ……………………………………£100

Donald Mowat, St Margerets Hope …………..£100

Olly Sinclair, Royal Hotel, Stromness ………….£100

Jim Nicolson Rendall …………………………………..£50

Totalling ……………………………………………………..£2800

We have still to hear from OIC, RAFA, RBL and one or two others. To keep things above board, I will have details shortly of where the money should be paid if it all comes together.

Provisional dates are as follows:

1. Arriving Wednesday 2nd June for display 3rd June

2. Arriving Monday 7th June for display 8th June

Weather and ash cloud dependant! Many thanks go to all who have offered their support and all contributors. I will try and update quickly as and when things change.

Best wishes


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