A letter from Abraham Lincoln to his son’s head master…

17 09 2004

I published this because I liked the beauty of expression and the gravity of the essence….

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the united states of America (1861 – 1865) is one of the world’s great statesmen for all time. Here is a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to the head master of his school in which his son was studying, a letter so typical of the man who bore malice towards none and had charity for all.

“ He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero: that far every selfish politician, there is a dedicated leader…

Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend. It will take time, I know a long time, but teach, if you can, that a dollar earned is of more value then five of found.

Teach him, to learn to lose…And also to enjoy winning. Steer him away from envy, if you can, teach in the secret of quiet laughter.

Teach him, if you can the wonder of books…But also given quiet time wonder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hillside.

In a school teach him, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat…

Teach him to have faith in his own idea, even if anyone else tell him they are wrong…

Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough.

Teach him to listen to all men…But teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth, and take only the good one that comes through.

Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him there is no shame in tear.

Teach them to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidder but never to put a prize tag on his heart and soul.

Teach him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes the fine steel.
Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have some sublime faith in mankind.

This is a big order, but see what can you do… He is such a fine little fellow, my son! Dad”



112 responses

10 09 2006

im studying doing ma in social work in india(mumbai)i inspired to this letter when i was in school day.so plz send this copy on my mail.i.e.socialsagar@gmail.com.

4 11 2006
Shantha R. Pallewatte

If the humankind have these noble qualities the world would be such a wonderful place to live and life itself would be worth living.
So let us resolve to start somewhere and the easiest place would be, right at our homes with our kids !

19 11 2006

my father gave me dis letter when i was 12 yr old
dis z really inspiring

13 03 2007


I am a father of two sons and when ever i happen to read this letter I become very emotional. I felt the same when I first dropped my children on their very first day in their school and I read this letter to my sons very often & when ever I get a chance

3 04 2007
GM Rahnuma

My only Son Aatif Rahnuma always use to ask me to tell everything about this rarest of the rare letter and I never get bored by telling same thing in different taste.He is ten plus now but the lust is same.

26 05 2007

I still remember the late Srilankan President, His Excellency Ranasinghe Premadasa was quoting this letter in one of his very inspirational speech to school children at a free government school text books distribution ceremony. I listened to the live broadcast of his speech over the radio (as we had no T.V. set at home) as a young school going boy with much enthusiasm. Hon. Premadasa was the best example of a true people’s leader who loved people by all his heart and people loved in the same way. He, of course, like this letter was a great inspiration to anyone, specially young school children and village poor youths. If he was not assasinated by the LTTE terrorists in such a brutal way while he was among people at a May Day procession, Sri Lanka, of course, would have become another developed country in the world. He had such a great and deep vision for developing our country and alleviating the poverty. I think, if we punish Prabhakaran for his henious crimes in future, only for assasinating the President Premadasa, he should be hanged for over months before his death. He deserves no less. I think, in the absence of reading this type of inspirational writings, this type of brutal leader was made by his parents. If he had clearly divulged this type of vision into his mind early in his life, he would have been in search of better ways to serve his people. Parents should frame this letter at home in the way their sons & daughters can read it every day. Specially in their children’s blooming young days.

5 08 2007

This is the one and only perfect letter that I’ve read ………

23 12 2007

i recieved this letter from my FATHER…..(Prakashchandra.D.Patel)
When i was little child.i found that this is ever best letter that i I’VE read…

20 02 2008
A school student

very inspirational i would like to show this 2 my “headmaster” 1 of these days..

17 03 2008

As a Principal/Headmaster, inspired by his letter through which I am also motivated to inspire others. Very-very touching and applicable at all ages for all the people.

22 09 2008

This letter is the most touching text written by man to me. Am single but have vowed to plant it my children. It should be placed on the wall of the classroom . I believe in the it to change life. ANSUNNEY-DELTA, NIGERIA

26 09 2008
Thushara Gunasekera

Please send this copy on my mail.(“A letter from Abraham Lincoln to his son’s head master…”

28 09 2008

its a heart-touching letter
There is alot to learn from this letter

31 12 2008


7 01 2009

There is a man with all these qualities present in this world … PRAMUKH SWAMI MAHARAJ

18 01 2009


4 02 2009
syed zameen shah

this one of the best advice to the leaders. The words of this letter is like a dimond. And realy when i read it first time i was very impressed no i read it agin, i get many lesson from this letter. this is the best.

16 03 2009

well I studied about this letter when i was little old. then i was impressed by it. and now that i am old my son is ready to go to school. Before that I read this letter, once again, so i can tell them what I need my son to be

31 03 2009

I’m a university student. I read some of qoute this letter, when I was on the way to get my breakfast. It was pritnted in school building. I have had some results in my first term exam. But, results are not very good. I was really upset. But, suddenly I was remember “To learn to lose”. I’ve never heard that kind of qoute in my life untill now. Now, I’m feeling better. Because, next time I can do my exams very well. That quote change my life.

1 04 2009
Anusha Weerasekera

Please send this copy on my mail.(“A letter from Abraham Lincoln to his son’s head master…”

1 04 2009
Mrs.Anjum Mirza

i received this letter from daddy when i chose my proffession and becme a teacher and used it as a guideline.now after so many many years when my children were preparing to send thier child to school i sent this letter to him so that he could overcome his anxiety of sending his child to school and have a better understanding.

19 07 2009
praveen jotwani

Great saying by a great person.

5 09 2009
monali wakde

i m a student & get very much inspired by linkon sirs thoughts so plz mail this letter on my id that i can forward it to others & my teachers as early as possible

19 10 2009
sunil kumar

this is a request of a respected father to a respected teacher that what should to be teach to small child who just enter in the social world. i think this is the desirable letter to a teacher regarding a child.

19 11 2009

My buisness teacher told me to read this message.
I had really enjoyed the writing style. It shows the
leadership qualities.

1 12 2009


15 12 2009
Feroz Ahmed

This is Feroz working at School of public health, BRAC University. I read the letter and it seems to me that this is a guideline for all the parents and all the teachers. I amused how a human being can be so specific, farsighted, modest. So much encouraging, may God bless his souls.

22 04 2010
Hussain Ali

I had read this letter some ten years ago when I was a student. This letter inspired me alot. Now, I have adopted teaching proffession, I recommend this letter to my students to go throgh.

11 05 2010

Awesome concept. I love it. Appreciate your posting

23 05 2010

My son Aatif Rahnuma is thirteen plus now and still I motivate him whenever my self and my wife Yasmin Rahnuma get the oppurtunity to discuss that how much a renowned philosopher and states President was pricipled to motivate his son by writing a letter to his headmaster. Very rare for any one like Abraham.Hats off….

28 05 2010
kamna bisht

i have read about lincoln sir’s letters im studying in6th standard this letter is so amazing lincoln sir will always be in our hearts

15 06 2010
bhupinder singh

a very remarkable piece of advice for all the parentsand children of today’ s world. every parent should give this important teaching to their children

21 06 2010
Mohan pyakurel

I read this letter and discovered the responsibility of a father towards his son. Its rare, i know, but a father is always a father. My father is a hero.

23 02 2011
syeda fatima

yap u r rite every father has responsibilty ,and he is a hero of his own children

23 06 2010
sushant mishra

This content of the letter by Abraham Lincoln would b really inspiring to all the parents as well as to all the students and teachers till his memory exists .

17 08 2010
ahmed shah

this is very informative knowledge for those students they are styding in school or colleges..

23 02 2011
syeda fatima

and also for eachers and parents for training their children

6 10 2010
th. binodkumar singh

indeed the greatest letter

16 10 2010

this is such a inspiritional thought

28 10 2010

its rare to have father such abraham but its not be stayed just in wordsf

7 01 2011
amisha sahni

the most relevant when there is dark all around and moral decline of our youngsters. May every one reads it and be a benefactor.

8 02 2011
Ravikant Khemnar

This letter is toooooooo good. All peaple wants to become a great person like ABRAHAM LINKON………………………………………………………

23 02 2011
syeda fatima

v.impressive letter..appriciable

4 03 2011

It’s the truth.

10 03 2011
Vaibhav Shah

Well said mr.lincon

18 03 2011
IB PETER a.k.a cephaspee

It is quiet impresive,haven read this piece of information frn a great man to his son.how i wish, every father is opportune to read dis letter and thereby show concern to their Sons & daughters in their own little way.

25 03 2011
sarang tathe

It is the most inspiring letter both for all fathers and all teachers .Keeping this attitude a whole mankind can progress in right direction and world will be a beautiful place f

25 03 2011
sarang tathe

It is the most inspiring letter both for all fathers and all teachers .Keeping this attitude a whole mankind can progress in right direction and world will be a beautiful place for all generations.
I salute to abraham lincon

24 04 2011
Bhagawat khatiwoda

I read this letter when i was a student in a college by searching the inspirational letter i google. I am being inspired by letter n i always read with enthusiasm n i m being sharing this letter to different friend n student in school. When i teach had teach in school i used to teach the student the fact written in the letter. Please send me this letter in my address bhagawat.khatiwoda@gmail.com

7 05 2011

read between the lines for the finer message

9 10 2011
Noman Hassan

A letter from Abraham Lincoln to his son’s head master…
17 09 2004

I published this because I liked the beauty of expression and the gravity of the essence….

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the united states of America (1861 – 1865) is one of the world’s great statesmen for all time. Here is a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to the head master of his school in which his son was studying, a letter so typical of the man who bore malice towards none and had charity for all.

“ He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero: that far every selfish politician, there is a dedicated leader…

Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend. It will take time, I know a long time, but teach, if you can, that a dollar earned is of more value then five of found.

Teach him, to learn to lose…And also to enjoy winning. Steer him away from envy, if you can, teach in the secret of quiet laughter.

Teach him, if you can the wonder of books…But also given quiet time wonder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hillside.

In a school teach him, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat…

Teach him to have faith in his own idea, even if anyone else tell him they are wrong…

Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough.

Teach him to listen to all men…But teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth, and take only the good one that comes through.

Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him there is no shame in tear.

Teach them to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidder but never to put a prize tag on his heart and soul.

Teach him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes the fine steel.
Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have some sublime faith in mankind.

This is a big order, but see what can you do… He is such a fine little fellow, my son! Dad”

16 10 2011

real inspiring letter ever read…..

1 11 2011

Lovely letter.

3 11 2011

this letter is very good

4 11 2011
Mamta Singh

“A letter from Abraham Lincoln to his son’s teacher” was given by one of my class teacher to all the students of the class on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. I was so impressed with the meaning of this letter that now I have placed it in my temple and read it everyday in order to keep myself in touch with the moral……..

17 11 2011

The letter given to his son’s teacher by A.Lincoln is really a universal truth for the students and fathers who don’t understand the meaning of education.I read this letter in class nine that was mentioned in my English Text Book.I always follow the statement “to fail is better than to cheat” but oneday i didn’t follow that as a result i lost self confidence,time,fear in exam hall,demoralize by teacher at the entering into the hall when my teacher saw the formulae written in my hand……………..

2 12 2011

be a student until the end of life…this gesture z beautiful

12 12 2011
Harbhajan Singh

I am very much impressed and motivated I am a proud Grand Father of two little one,s the elder one was left in school on first day by me and my best half
we wanted to make sure that the little is dealt gently but strongly by gentle but rock teacher they are taught the value of time, should not be scoundrel by the bullies.

23 12 2011
Raman sahoo

Impressive always traveling in my mind.

27 12 2011

in fact this is a good letter describing code of conduct for teachers and students. But this letter is actually not from Abraham Lincoln . A very good English writer created this in mid nineteen century if any one has know his name please share with me at shamoon63@hotmail.com rgds

16 01 2012

Very inspiring letter.

1 02 2012
tajinder s rishi

its educational strengthen letter

20 03 2012
Yash Borse

no word to describe! only unique !

23 03 2012
Indra Chapagain

Really Appealing statement

4 04 2012
niraj karna

me Niraj Karna from Nepal, read this letter when i was in the final year of engineering…
i wish my father could have given me this letter when i was young..in spite, some of the words in this letter sounds familiar with the sayings of my father…

this letter is really appreciable, admirable, inspiring and emotional…
i will definitely read this letter to my future kids…
thanks to Lincoln….
he was really a great person and a great leader..

15 04 2012

We can read so many Articles,news,books,and many other thinks…..But it is not such a kind A rare stuff….It is….thank god…

24 04 2012

sir i want to read abraham lincolns letter to principal and reply made by his son, as his sons write good answered teller. please post the same if any one have

10 07 2012
muhammad nabi muradi

i have read this article when i was in advance class in English institution , i like this article most , this kind of article is rare in books . i kindly request you please send me the the latter which was replayed by his son to the Abraham Lincoln

24 08 2012

This is one of the most thing inspired me. I’ll follow this to keep up my dignity + my respect with in me. Thank you for sharing this wonderful letter.

5 09 2012
dheeraj mishra

i heard this from SCDR sir iit delhi…thoroughly inspired from each and every line….try to laugh when u r sad,if tears come let them flow ,let them go dont stop them because there is no shame in tears…..dheeraj mishra

21 01 2013


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25 05 2024

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