New trip to RUSH, Kakamega?

Well we are looking at whether there is enough people who would like to go to RUSH next year. We had a preliminary meeting of people after the morning service and we now need to see how many people would really like to come.

If you think that you might like to come there will be a number of factors you might want to consider.

Firstly, we need to check when everyone could make it and Andrew and Lucy at RUSH can host us. At the moment we are wondering about February (maybe the half-term) but this would be a group decision as to when the most people can make it.

Then we will be looking to see how long we go for. Again this will depend on people’s availability but we are looking at between 10-14 days (it may even be the case that some people could stay on for 14 days and others leave after 10 days).

In terms of the cost of going it is likely to be in the ballpark of £1,000. This would include flights, accommodation, food and transport and may include a one day safari at Lake Nakuru.

There would be some injections to be had and the need to buy malaria tablets and there is a cost that the NHS charges for these. Once we know who would like to go then we can check the latest advice and what you need.

Most airlines allow you to carry double the allowance as a charity which would allow us to take out extra clothes and help that they could so easily use out there.

In terms of what you could do out there then there is a large range of needs. They have their school and are setting up another secondary school; there is help with the workshops – carpentry, dress-making and computers, there is the work amongst the widows. There is need from everything from painting to practical skills to visiting. Some people worry about what skills they have to offer but I am sure that we would be able to find things that would help them. Above all they are greatly encouraged that others around the world care for them and take an interest and it will transform your compassion for others.

If you are interested in going then do drop me an email or contact me for a chat. We will need to know numbers within the next month or so in order to book the flights and make the preparations.

You can see the past posts in this are either by going to the <Kenya 2011> menu at the top of the page (which documents our trip in February) or by selecting the RUSH tag at the bottom of the post which will allow you to see all the posts to do with RUSH (including the Feb ones but also the ones that Wendy is blogging and others).

It is a great opportunity to go and experience life in Kakamega, Kenya and I do hope that you may consider coming on the trip (to our fellow reader of this blog in the US Janet –  do please feel free to come and join us!).

One comment on “New trip to RUSH, Kakamega?

  1. Janet
    October 9, 2011 at 8:41 pm #

    Thank you for including me Will. I wonder if Jacqueline will go again.

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