
New Wine – arrival and hopes


Well we’ve just arrived at New Wine and I’m hoping to blog our experience this week, hope that even if you couldn’t make it you can share some of our experiences.

It’s difficult to believe that only a few days ago there were rumours that they might need to cancel it! The weather is beautiful and its a joy to be outside.

I’ve already met some old friends and I’m sure I’ll meet others through the week as well as making new acquaintances. That has always been one of the attractions for Angie and I over the years. It is also a great place to meet with God and grow in the faith.

I asked a few people what their hopes and expectations were for the week and recorded a few vox pops.

2 comments on “New Wine – arrival and hopes

  1. nig
    July 22, 2012 at 7:34 pm #

    glad to see you all there safely.
    have a great time, and look forward to hearing all about it when you get back

  2. Margaret Boardman
    July 22, 2012 at 7:36 pm #

    Have a good time.Hope yiou have some sun block!

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