Christmas Tree Traditions

Arriving home with the Christmas Tree

Well we got it! We managed to fight our way through the crowds and come back alive with it.

It was, of course, the Christmas Tree. Now once upon a time you got the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve and decorated it then. It then stayed up for the Twelve days of Christmas (that occur from Christmas and not the twelve days before) and came down on the feast of Epiphany (the 6th January) – when the magi (or wise men) were supposed to have arrived (do remember these – they may come in handy for a Christmas Quiz!).

Nowadays it has all changed for the vast majority of us.

But then, most of the traditions are recent ones. The idea of the Christmas Tree itself comes from Germany and was introduced into Britain in the 18th Century by the Royal family – in fact through  Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz after her marriage to King George III. But it didn’t take off until the 19th century and Queen Victoria.

So, we don’t put our Christmas Tree up on Christmas Eve. We put it up about two weekends before Christmas and then take it down at Epiphany. There is no rhyme or logic to it other than that’s what we like to do.

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree

The other thing is how do you decorate it? Do you theme it or do you have a wide variety of stuff to put on it? I must admit that we are in the mix it all up (sans tinsel) bracket.

So how about you? When do you put it up and take it down? Real or artificial? Themed or “let it all hang out”? What is your tradition?

5 comments on “Christmas Tree Traditions

  1. nig
    December 11, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

    We have a real christmas tree, whch goes up a couple of days before christmas: sort depends on whatever is left in the shops!!
    We have the same decs each year: most are ones handmade by the twiglets (kids) at Springers & Roadrunners!! They getting very tatty tho’

  2. Will Cookson
    December 11, 2011 at 4:16 pm #


    Sounds like my college principle – I used to see him tramping back on Christmas Eve with whatever was left in the marketplace!

    • Sue Bosley
      December 14, 2011 at 2:20 pm #

      Wot no tinsel!

      Our tree is not complete without it!

      We love to get out and have a look at all the decorations that the children have made in the past but no longer put them all on the tree. Except a few of Emma’s. We are now more refined with baubles, lights and of course TINSEL!

      • Will Cookson
        December 14, 2011 at 7:33 pm #

        Smiles sweetly and looks away humming The “Angel Gabriel” 🙂

        • nig
          December 15, 2011 at 11:48 am #

          Casually drapes a little tinsel around Gabriel’s wings……..

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