Presenting the new!

06 Jun

I’m in Los Angeles this week covering the Electronic Entertainment Expo, so I’ll hopefully have some electronically entertaining posts to share. In the meantime, to correlate with the international paperback launch of Sex, Bombs and Burgers, I’m pleased to unveil the new To visit, click on the screen shot below:

I started that website in March 2009 as a promotional tie-in to the book, which was released a year later. When I went off into the independent life last November, I decided to start this blog – WordsByNowak – as my main online presence, which wouldn’t necessarily be constrained by the themes of the book. Since then, has pretty much lain fallow.

I figured that with the paperback version launching in the U.K., Australia and New Zealand on June 1, it was time to put a new paint job on it. After speaking with some web designers and getting an idea of what it would cost to do it professionally, I thought I’d give it a go myself. I asked my photographer friend Mike Watier about what he had used to create his own site and he recommended iWeb, which is found on any Mac.

While professionals probably shudder at the thought of using iWeb, I found it incredibly easy to use and perfect for what I wanted – a clean, simple site that would act as a brochure for my book. I’m considerably more focused on attracting traffic to this site that you’re reading now, so I wasn’t looking for anything overly complex for the book site.

Have a peak and enjoy! Back to regular posting tomorrow.


Posted by on June 6, 2011 in books


2 responses to “Presenting the new!

  1. Daniel Friesen

    June 6, 2011 at 12:57 am

    Heh, absolute positioning. Reminds me of something v1 of Kommonwealth would have put together… Glad we rewrote that twice…

    ^_^ Though, there’s always a bright side… “At least it’s not a table based layout.”

  2. Patchen Barss

    June 7, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    Nice work, Pete. I’m envious – I learned recently that if you put dotcom after the title of my book, you get, wait for it … a porn site.