Decanter Arrives (as will a Fairchild patent in a couple of days)

I have been spending a bit of time sanding the floors on the upstairs landing as of late, and hopefully will have that project done by the weekend. And, after dusting myself off yesterday, I headed down street to the post office and our p.o. box, within which contained a copy of Decanter Magazine. I know I had posted .jpgs of the article a little while back, but I have since turned it into a pdf, that will be a little easier to read.


read the decanter magazine article

And, as luck would have it, while I was perusing a favorite website (not eBay) I happened up on an interesting lot with a fair asking price.


I will gladly part with the non-corkscrew items if any of you are inclined, but the Fairchild Patent Roundlet will be a nice addition to the collection. I do already have one, but it will be interesting to see the design of the casing and how it is marked.


On the Multi-Tool (mentioned yesterday) information search, no one has seemed to have seen this particular tool before. And, as it is unmarked, it remains a bit of a mystery. I will keep digging!

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