Ms. Geek Speaks: Fact-checking Islamophobes

I can’t read this, but I can feel the hate.

I expect to be blocked again and by someone I once danced with. However, truth should matter.

I don’t know where the person found this meme, but the extent of his prejudice should be obvious. I do not read Arabic or Farsi. I was able to find two of the sources used for this meme.

The first is a document that is in a British newspaper. Is is supposedly a call for girls over 15 and widows under 45.

“All imams and mullahs in captured areas should provide the Taliban with a list of girls above 15 and widows under 45 to be married to Taliban fighters,” the letter reportedly reads, issued in the name of the Taliban’s Cultural Commission.

While the newspaper article does show that women are not always willing to enter into these marriage, this is not about children. Remember that the age of the consent differs from country to country and may be as low as 13 in countries like Argentina and Spain. If you look at the webpage on Children and Youth in History: Age of Consent Laws, you’ll see that in the 1880s, that age could be as low as 10 or even 7.  The Quran was written before 1880 (610–632 CE). Things were different in the 1880s and certainly very different in the 600s.

The photo of the women is from a different website. The website is in Persian. 

Within a few years, DW’s Persian Department has managed to transform its website into one of Deutsche Welle’s most visited pages. It offers its readers uncensored news and information on significant international issues as well as on political developments in Iran, among others the Iranian nuclear program.

Providing independent and reliable information, DW’s news site in Farsi targets Persian speaking audiences around the world, particularly those in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.

“We can be happy and proud about this great success,” commented Jamsheed Faroughi, head of the DW Persian Department. “It’s mostly due to the large amount of effort put in every day by our dedicated team and the support of an interested audience.”

The caption under the original photo (نمایش لباس‌های سنتی زنان افغانستان جمعه ۲۰ آذر ۱۳۹۴ در شهر کابل برگزار شد.) using Google translate says: “The exhibition of traditional Afghan women’s clothes was held on Friday, December 11, 2015 in Kabul.”  Notice the date: 2015. The article in The Sun under US News “Jihadi Slaves” is from 14 July 2021. 

I am not Muslim, but I do know how to use search engines. Check into your local history because in 1880, according to the “Children and Youth in History: Age of Consent Laws,”, it was Delaware that had the age of consent at 7.  California was 10. 



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