The Circle of Life

January 2, 2013 at 4:44 pm | Posted in Grief, life lessons, Love, mourning | 14 Comments
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Quote - winnie the pooh

I always knew that I would outlive my grandfather.  It is the way that life is supposed to go.  I made peace with my feelings about death in 2005.  After Jake died, defying the circle of life, I quickly came to terms with my own mortality.  I am not going to do anything to speed it up but I know I will die one day.  And, I knew the day would come when my grandfather would die.  No one lives forever.

He died yesterday.  I know that he was 100 and lived a (mostly) beautiful life but the last part of it was so excruciatingly painful for him.  I would have given anything to spare him the suffering he endured.

I am so very lucky that I was able to spend so much time with him.  The twins got to know him. I believe they will have memories of their wonderful great grandfather.

I am hoping and praying that he is now resting in peace with my grandmother.  And maybe, just maybe he will meet and play with his other 2 great grandchildren .


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  1. Lovely post, Lanie, but I am so sorry for your loss. I love the image of him connecting with his wife and two grandchildren in heaven, and looking out for all of them.

  2. Dear Lanie – This is a lovely post, indeed, and as someone who had met your grandfathe, I agree with you that he was a wonderful man. I am sorry that he had to suffer at the end. His struggles are over now. The important thing is that you have those memories of him that you share with Fletcher and Alyssa and that will instruct and nourish you all.
    With love, Cornelia

  3. Lanie, I am so sorry to hear about your loss and know how close you were to your grandparents. I so believe in the beauty of the afterlife that I am certain your grandmother, grandfather, Jake and Sawyer are all together. Let me know if I can help.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you and your family.

  5. Lanie:

    I’ll bet he’ll tell them jokes. He was a wonderful man and he knew how much you all loved him.


  6. So sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace. And hopefully he is now in heaven with his wife looking after your little ones……

  7. I’m so sorry for your loss Lanie, I hope it brings some comfort that he is with your boys.

  8. Hi was truly special. I am sure he is making those beautiful boys laugh and smile.

  9. Lanie I am so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. Your devotion to family is so great and is a great lesson for your children. Fletcher & Alyssa will remember him always, and I truly believe Jake & Sawyer are with him now.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, Lanie. He sounds like a very special man.

  11. Love to you and all your family Lanie. I’m so glad he got to celebrate 100! What an amazing thing. Xooxxo

  12. I’m so sorry that your grandfather died! I know exactly how THAT feels. My grandma, who we called Mammy, died on June 21, 2010, when I was eleven. I pray to her to please watch out for all of the little kids who have died until their parents are re-united with them. I’m sorry.

  13. […] I should be some sort of grief expert by now.  I am not.  As the twins said, “It is okay mama, Buddy is now playing with Jake, Sawyer, Mom Mom and Grandpoppy.” […]

  14. […] very wise man, my grandfather, always used to say “mentsch tracht, Gott lacht.”   For those of you (like me) who do […]

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