craft, knitting, Lost Crafts, Uncategorized, wool

old fashioned winding

hello knitterley creatures !

ok. i am in love with this yarn . its everything i love and more .

i have lots of skeins , and i do not have a skein winder thingy. i want one believe me….but i’m just as happy for now winding my balls by hand the ‘old fashioned’ way. thanks to the lovely nonibags  on youtube, i successfully wind my own centre – pull balls !!

I am reading a wonderful vintage book of short stories about life in South Africa .. we are going camping tomorrow.. i’m packing my knitting of course.. dear mother in law has received her silk shawl and loves it.. pop over and have a little look at my quilt – and tell me what you think of the online discussion? i love your comments and thoughts always.


excited! i am now the proud new owner of some lacy yak. very much liking of the sweater using lace here. my oh my !!!!


8 thoughts on “old fashioned winding

  1. That lacy yak yarn looks stunning, and I bet it would look great in that pattern (I would never have the patience to make a sweater out of such tiny yarn/needles, but I wish I did because it is gorgeous)


    Posted by Natalie | October 5, 2011, 4:36 pm
  2. love the quilt! i am still knitting on the kind of yarn from the craft store…lol…no winding needed. i heard about a store like 20 minutes away for all things knitting and i can’t wait to go check it out!



    Posted by | October 5, 2011, 8:18 pm
  3. I did my winding like that for a long time. My husband, bless him, has always been very helpful and never complained when I asked him to help.


    Posted by Keri | October 5, 2011, 11:33 pm
  4. Beautiful yarn! I used to do my ball winding like that. Now I use a chair back to hold my yarn and I have a ball winder.


    Posted by swanski | October 5, 2011, 11:53 pm
  5. oh how lovely. re the yarn winder thingy, I have one now, it belonged to my Grandma and my Mum. My Mum doesn’t use it, and so she gave it to me. I just love it and everytime I use it – thoughts of my Grandma winding wool come to mind. Before that, it was all hand wound, which I enjoyed as well, kinda theraputic and quite relaxing.


    Posted by Joyce | October 6, 2011, 1:09 am
  6. oh how clever you are. this is such a satisfying thing to do, winding by hand. but i do love my swift and winder. that gives me so much pleasure too. are you winding more malabrigo here? it looks delicious.

    and so does the yak. wow. such luxury, i would give anything to try that. is it as soft as they say? and the color is gorgous.

    which south african stories are you reading? i love reading about africa. i’d love to know about the book.

    and happy camping. :)


    Posted by Lori | October 6, 2011, 5:01 am
  7. sometimes when i go to the smaller yarn shops in toronto they offer to wind a skein for me, and i’m not sure how to say no to the generous offer. but then i am always unhappy with the tightly wound ball i get handed back and i kid you not – i generally come home and redo it myself. i find winding wool so relaxing and the perfect beginning to a project. here’s another trick for centre-pull balls i learned long ago: start with a film canister (those tiny plastic containers that hold 35mm film) and drop the first few inches into it and snap the lid closed and start winding. when your ball starts getting big enough that the canister is almost going to disappear, take the lid off and remove the canister and just continue winding. it leaves just enough room for the wool to bloom and settle in the centre, and your yarn pulls smoothly from start to finish.

    that yak wool looks amazing!


    Posted by sam lamb | October 13, 2011, 8:02 pm
  8. Hiya, love the look of that yarn. And I too love the feeling of hand winding balls of wool. Reminds me of being with my Grandma! Thanks for leaving a reply over at my place about the fabrics. Would love to send you some, unfortunatly when I hit the reply button it wouldn’t take me through to you e-mail. Grrr tecnology! Any way could you e-mail me your details?
    Thanks Nora x


    Posted by flaming nora | October 15, 2011, 7:27 am

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