Happy Father’s Day!!

Kayaking in Port Clyde, Maine

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! Today is your big day… Enjoy every second of it! Father’s Day is a time to celebrate our dad’s – and I have one of the coolest dad’s on the planet. I. Am. Blessed.

From as far back as I can remember, my dad has always been there for me. No matter what. Full of sound advice. He’s the best and I love him so much. I can’t wait until I can see him again SOON!

From our younger days when my dad sometimes worked the late shift, and before I went to bed (grade school) I would write him a letter about my day. I would wake up and he would have written back which was so much fun. It probably helped to shape me into the letter-writer I am today 🙂 Our parents influence us as small kids in the smallest of ways, small but significant. My dad has always been one who taught us different, very cool, interesting things. Really, by way of watching him. He loves to teach himself how to do pretty much everything. Buy the book and the supplies and just do it. (I think he was the original #justdoit) Rock polishing. Photography and developing in our basement. Cooking. Baking. He makes recipes I would most likely not… too many steps. Doesn’t faze him. He painted a sketchbook full of paintings and sent it to me. WHAT A TREASURE! I absolutely cherish that book! He is the original tech person in our family. First to buy a digital camera, first to buy an iPhone, first to buy an iPad… He makes me strive to want to learn more about pretty much everything.

So thank you dad for being the best of the best. I love you so much! ❌⭕️, me

Happy Father’s Day to Fred – You’re such an awesome dad to Charlie 🐾! There couldn’t be anyone more wonderful and caring. Fred, YOU are the best of the best in so many ways. I love you! ❌⭕️, me

I would also like to say Happy Father’s Day to Fred’s dad. I love hearing the stories of him growing up. Camping, at the horse shows and so much more. Parents really give a lot to their kids, don’t they? You’re the best DC! ❌⭕️, me

To all of you dads out there 🙌 Bless you and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

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