Latch, mutex and beyond


     This file is part of demos for "Contemporary Latch Internals" seminar v.18.09.2010
     Copyright:   (c) Andrey S. Nikolaev ( RDTEX

       sqlplus/nolog @trace_latch_wait <latch#>

     Trace syscalls during wait for parent latch identified by latch#.

     This script intentionally use old-fashioned SQL to work with Oracle 8i
     shared_latches table can be downloaded from:
*/ connect / as sysdba set echo on set define % set verify off alter session set max_dump_file_size=0; /* determine a function to acquire the latch */ var db_v varchar2(100); var db_comp varchar2(100); begin dbms_utility.db_version(:db_v,:db_comp); end; / col latch_function new_value latch_function col addr new_value laddr col lname new_value lname select decode(shared,'Y' ,decode(sign(replace(:db_v,'.','')-110000),1,'kslgetsl_w', 'kslgetsl') ,'kslgetl') latch_function, a1.addr, translate(,' /$''','____') lname from v$latch_parent a1,shared_latches a2 where (+) and a1.latch# = a2.latch# (+) and a1.latch#=%1 and nvl(version,:db_v) = :db_v; /* determine spid of current shadow process */ col spid new_value spid SELECT spid FROM v$process WHERE addr IN (SELECT paddr FROM v$session WHERE SID = (SELECT SID FROM v$mystat WHERE ROWNUM = 1)); /* prepare script to acquire the latch for 3 sec if latch is shared, get it in S mode */ set echo off set head off spool get_latch_to_trace.sql select 'connect / as sysdba'||chr(10)||'oradebug setmypid'||chr(10)|| 'oradebug call '||'%latch_function'|| ' 0x'||'%laddr'||' 1 2 3 8'||chr(10)|| 'host sleep 3'||chr(10)|| 'oradebug call kslfre 0x'||'%laddr'||chr(10)|| 'exit'||chr(10) from dual; spool off host sqlplus /nolog @get_latch_to_trace.sql & oradebug setmypid /* trace system calls for latch wait. Uncomment line corresponding to your OS */ /* Solaris: */ host truss -o%lname..lst -p %spid & /* Linux: */ /* host strace -o%lname..lst -p %spid & */ /* HP-UX: */ /* host tusc -o%lname..lst -p %spid & */ host sleep 1 /* Acquire the latch. If latch is shared get it in X mode */ oradebug call %latch_function 0x%laddr 1 2 3 16 oradebug call kslfre 0x%laddr exit


  1. […] instance crashes. I had to acquire such latches only for seconds. To achieve this, I wrote script latch_wait_trace.sql. The script uses latch number as an argument and spawns sqlplus to acquire corresponding parent […]

    Pingback by Hidden latch wait revolution that we missed « Latch, mutex and beyond — December 16, 2010 @ 8:26 pm | Reply

  2. […] from two sessions. My tool will be latch_spin_trace.sql. This script differs from previously used latch_wait_trace.sql by timeout values. In addition, it spawns spin.d DTrace script instead of truss. Through this post, […]

    Pingback by Spin tales: Part 1. Exclusive latches in Oracle 9.2-11g « Latch, mutex and beyond — January 6, 2011 @ 9:59 pm | Reply

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