By Kensana

The Playground Mystique is a blog created by three authors, Cindy Jacks, Kensana Darnell and Jambrea Jo Jones. It’s a place their Muses and characters live and spend their time when they are not with their authors.  Each week a story about one of the Muses will be featured at The Playground. You will find interactions between the Muse and their author, whether they’re having good days or bad days.  You’ll get the real scoop of what goes on in the author’s head and why.  You may ask yourself, what causes writer’s block?  Now you will see. LOL

There will also be new releases and author spotlights. The author’s characters will have interviews conducted by the Muses. We have a lot of fun in store and we hope you all join us on 14 September for the big launch day.  If you have questions or you’d like to be featured in the spotlight please contact Cindy, Kensana, Jambrea or Sage.

 Kensana Darnell:

Cindy Jacks:

Jambrea Jo Jones:

Sage Whister: Contact


We’re looking forward to seeing you all!


Cindy Jacks

Cindy Jacks worked for ten years in the corporate arena, but left the boredroom at the age of thirty-three for a more fulfilling existence.  Two years later she is happy to be a full time writer.  Her characters are usually strong women with a dash of neurosis.  Recurring themes in her books include the sensuous qualities of food, older women with younger men, and pushing the boundaries of traditional femininity.

 She lives in Northern Virginia, a stone’s throw away from Washington, DC.  When not writing or chasing after her four year-old son, she makes jewelry, practices belly dancing, and experiments with international cooking.

 Visit her online at or and drop her a line at


Kensana Darnell

Kensana Darnell served in the Army for seven years. As a child she wrote poems, lyrics, short stories and the sort. It wasn’t until the first of 2008 that once again she was bitten by the literary bug.

 Taking time off to become a student, a soldier, wife and finally mother, after a sixteen year hiatus, she decided to focus on writing once again.  She enjoys reading and writing science fiction & paranormal romances. Why this genre? Why not? Keeping in mind the words of Benjamin Disraeli, blending her two loves of fiction and love enables her can create a world of romance.  

 She lives in the mountains of North Carolina, with her husband and two daughters. When she is not writing she enjoys a good Zumba class or trekking along the Blue Ridge Parkway snapping shots of the beauty found along the way and the occasional visit to Biltmore. 

 Visit her online, Website or Blog. You may also email her at


 Jambrea Jo Jones

 Jambrea Jo Jones once had a dream of being the youngest published romance author ever.  Well…that didn’t happen, but she didn’t give up.  She’s had some stops along the way.  Went to college for a year, moved away from home, came back and then joined the Air Force.  She was only enlisted for two years, but it was a great experience for her.  Once home again she met her hero, had a son and soon after she decided to get back to writing.  Finding the E world was the best thing that ever happened to her.  She now has her first contract and the only place for her to go is up.

Visit her blog Jambrea’s Blog


Sage Whistler

Sage Whistler was born in North Carolina but spent the better part of her life in Connecticut. She was born the second of two children in the freezing cold one dreary January morning. Sage still thinks that being the first month of the year someone could have picked a birthstone color much lovelier than garnet.

Before Sage knew how to write she was making up stories, reading to her grandparents from a magazine, using words that weren’t actually printed in the book. In her later years she began reading and writing romance, but her evolution to erotica happened virtually over night.

One day she was reading a sedate romance and then she stumbled upon an erotica book and it was all she wrote. Pleading guilty to a flirty mind, Sage hopped from the mainstream to swim up creek with the bad boys and started writing gay fiction only a year ago. She’s been hooked ever since.

Sage readily admits to being a bit quirky, prone to doing things like blurting out random lines from one of her favorite movies. She has only one sister who she swears is the complete opposite her, and one of her personal goals is to write the kinds of stories that shock, thrill, and delight her readers.

Visit her website Sage Whistler

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