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    This class was incredibly interesting. There were a lot of random facts I already knew going into the semester, but didn’t always understand the context. I learned way more about the creation of the solar system and composition of the worlds in our solar system. I always wondered about specifically the composition of the Jovian…

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  • One of my favorite facts about our Earth is that there really is life in every corner. You’d think that nothing could ever live in such hostile environments like geothermal vents or the Dead Sea, but you’d be mistaken! There are these incredible microorganisms aptly classified as extremophiles that just LOVE these insane environments. Extremophiles…

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  • Now that I have your attention, it’s really not ok to look at the Sun with no glasses (I know, I think its lame too). A total solar eclipse is truly a once in a lifetime experience. I myself experienced one in 2017 as the Umbra passed over my hometown of Mufreesboro, TN. I vividly…

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  • The Kuiper Belt is a region past the orbit of Neptune where Pluto resides. In this area also exists tons of icy and rocky bodies left over from the creation of the solar system. The size of these bodies is too small to call them full planets, so they are denoted as dwarf planets. Because…

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  • In effort to keep things short, today we will be talking about comets. Comets, as you probably are, are small bodies of ice and rock that orbit the Sun in long, thin elliptical orbits. They were formed billions of years ago, during the formation of the solar system and originate from the Kuiper belt or…

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  • A long long time ago, there was no Sun. There was only gas. Ok there were some non-gas elements too, I guess but those aren’t as important. Anyways, before the Sun was what we know and love today, it existed as a great big cloud of gaseous elements (Hydrogen and Helium) with lesser amounts of…

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  • Johannes Kepler (Nov. 27, 1571- Nov. 15, 1630) was a German scientist and early astronomer. He was responsible for discovering three major laws of planetary motion: 1. Planets orbit the sun in an elliptical movement; 2. The area law; 3. The harmonic law. He also modified Copernicus’ Sun-centered system to a dynamic universe approach, where…

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  • For as long as humans have been able to see, we’ve been fascinated by looking up. Something about that vast array of pinpricks of light really got us thinking. Early astronomers saw these specks of light as ways to tell stories about their mythological past and as a way to navigate vast seas and stretches…

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    What’s up guys, my name is Miguel. I’m a junior from Nashville, TN majoring in Philosophy. I have a strong science and humanities background due to having untreated ADHD and unlimited internet access as a child. On campus on pretty days I can be found outside hammocking, frolicking, or having deep thoughts about the intricacies…

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