What we do

Evidencing the need for change

To ensure that we move towards an ambitious and optimistic role for care in a new economy we need to learn from the new and evidence the potential of creative ideas. With limited and inconsistent data about how care really shows up in our lives, we’re exploring how we might capture and use data and evidence differently.

Read more about our work to make care count.

Shaping new narratives

We believe that care needs a rebrand. Our work takes a participatory approach to shaping new narratives about care, ones which move beyond the silos in our current economic model and towards solidarity and creativity through the lens of care.

Building a movement

The future won’t be decided by one policy or one decision maker, it will be the result of hundreds and thousands of actions from all of us. We believe that to build a care full economy we need to work with others, understanding the connection between other new economy movements and considering the perspectives of a range of different parts of the existing system.

Piloting participatory infrastructure

To make change happen we need to invest in innovative participatory infrastructure that centres care. This spans our democratic and economic lives, areas where those who care are rarely afforded a meaningful say. By designing and piloting new ways for those who care to have a say in our economy and put forward their ideas, we believe a care full economy can be built.

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