My name is Suphatthra Saennarong, also known as Oy. I am a graphic designer based in Hamburg, Germany. With my diverse skill set, I am able to effectively contribute to a variety of projects.

I find immense joy in direct communication with clients and in collaborating to shape the creative process together.

Junior Art Director
Graphic Designer

Thai – German – English

I create unique designs for your business inquiries. Below, you can see my tasks:

Logo Design

Creating unique and memorable logos.


Developing visual identities including color palettes, typography, and brand guidelines.

Website Design

Designing layouts and graphic elements for websites.

Print Design

Creating designs for print materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, and business cards.

Social Media Graphics

Designing images and banners for social media platforms.


Crafting hand-drawn or digital illustrations.

Packaging Design

Creating designs for print materials such as brochures, fDeveloping creative and functional packaging for products.


Creating informative and visually appealing infographics.


Selecting and designing fonts to enhance readability and aesthetics.

Photo Editing

Retouching and adjusting photos for various media.

Animations/Video Editing

Creating simple animations, motion graphics and editing Videos.


Designing professional and engaging presentation slides.

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