I write a Weekly Recap each Monday. They are posted here and on my Patreon page and discuss what I’ve been working on and where I’ve been. If you’re looking to join in on the fun, you can subscribe to my mailing list and they’ll be delivered straight to your inbox. The email version also includes my musings on answering a daily prompt question. They’re all archived here for your maximum enjoyment.

  • There are so many books that have influenced me, where does one even begin? For starters, what if I tell you about three books that come as one? I’m talking about Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Henry Cornelius Agrippa — specifically, the version edited and annotated by Donald Tyson. Unfortunately, it’s a little pricy…

  • My family got dial-up internet through AOL when I was pretty young. I can’t remember exactly what year this happened, but I do know that one of the first things I tried to search for was Mario 64 cheat codes. Mario 64 was released in 1996 — a fact I only know thanks to the…

  • There’s quite a few things in life that I don’t think I’ll ever miss. For instance, I don’t miss the traffic in Northern Virginia during the month of December. I don’t miss shoveling sidewalks or de-icing cars. And I certainly don’t miss the occasional opportunity to slip on nearly-invisible black ice while walking across a…

  • I have an announcement to make. And it’s a pretty big one. But first, let me answer this daily prompt question, which I’ll apparently be using as an elaborate setup for the thing I’ll tell you more about in the second half of this update. Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense in the end. Here…

  • I think every human being should be required to work some sort of service job for a short period of time. It could even be part of the requirements for high school or college graduation. Internships at tech or finance companies are great — they can help you prove your worth in a specific industry……