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Celebrating PRIDE MONTH an Interview with Beyond The Veil Press: publisher of LGBTQIA+ Poetry & Art Anthologies

By Robert Fleming LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, + (two-spirit, non-binary, pansexual, demisexual, aromantic, genderfluid, agender) Curious to learn what a LGBTQIA+ publishers offer readers, as a Contributing Editor at Old Scratch Press and a LGBTQIA+ author myself, I interviewed Sarah Herrin Co- Founder and Editor of Beyond the Veil Press. BVP…

Away They Go!

I was thrilled today to have the privilege to mail three new Old Scratch Press books off to the National Book Awards! If you follow all of our doings around here you may have seen this post from last year, where I was lucky enough to do the same thing! Gosh, you know, we’re going…

No Ocean Spit Me Out Pre-order!

Dianne here, and I am so excited to tell you that, right now, Gabby Gilliam is brining us the fourth book from Old Scratch Press, NO OCEAN SPIT ME OUT. Gabby Gilliam’s verse preserves the feel of the summer farm, contrasting its fertile brightness with the struggle between grief and the sudden absence of connection…

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