Gallery of Guests – 2022

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Gallery of Guests 2023

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Selkie Take Over Happens Wednesday!

Stop by my Instagram Wednesday through Friday for a fun event where you will have a chance to acquire a pod of selkie stories and swag! What is MerMay you ask? A Disney creator back in 2016 posted an illustration of two mermaids chatting on their “shell phones” and the craze was born. Every May,…

Sunday Spotlight With Adult Urban Fantasy Author A. B. Herron!

You never know when you might strike up a conversation on Instagram during those designated periods each day spent checking out all the creative content in the bookish community. Every so often, a post or a comment will lead me to an awesome resource, exchange of ideas, or a new favorite book or author, which…

Not Sure Why, But I’m Sure Enjoying May

It’s the Little Things This isn’t even mine, but my husband’s photograph. He was out on his ebike 30 minutes away from us. But his enjoyment is my enjoyment. Pretty fabulous to crest a trail and see this. I so enjoy pet sitting for Mack and Elway. Wouldn’t you? We had a lovely week together…


The Starlight Chronicles Reviews


Fun, mystical and full of tension

This book feels like a mixture of Twilight and True Blood (minus the vampires) all the while being rooted in its very own vibe and charm. Characters are real, relatable and have depth. The tension that Lewellyn crafts jumps off the pages. Delving into the exciting fantasy world with both Selena and Andras’ perspectives was a fresh and fun experience. It was an incredibly fun read!

T Bjork, Nova ScotiaUrsus Borealis


Wow! When can we expect Book Three! This was fabulous!

I was up to 1 am last night to finish Drago Incendium. And I LOVED it! It was unbelievably exciting, sexy and ingenious! I am fascinated and impressed by how the author develops the different scenarios, relationships, and supernatural aspects that make the story so engrossing. Also her ability to create scenes that leave us with questions and wanting to know more…wanting answers! Not to mention the fascinating new characters that are introduced in this book! I’m in love with Elliot … and beguiled by Mortas … but I won’t say anymore! Kudos to the author! And thank you for a fabulous read!

A. Forehand, USADrago Incendium



I cried, I laughed, and I was angry. The ride was so worth it! This series was my introduction to reading this genre. I have found this to be some of the best writing, story telling and follow through on all character paths of any prior reading of any genre.

Amazon Reviewer, USATigris Vetus