Courses & Events

All bookings and enquiries to Sheryl Gottschall on 0431 856 556. Events are held at the BodyLight Centre, Jindalee, Brisbane unless otherwise stated. Address on booking.

Sacred Women’s Wheel of Life Friday 14 June, 20241pm to 5pm

Exploring “The Midwife” Archetype

with Sheryl Gottschall (certified SoulCollage facilitator)I

The Midwife is the archetype that emerges after the Mother and so is associated with the waning phase of the moon just after Full Moon. She is the mentor, the facilitator of other’s growth. She has gone through the personal transformation of birthing a child or a project and is now ready to reach out and help others. She is not a teacher or instructor but one who helps the other find the answers within. She provides support, empathy, and guidance to help lift up the other so they can take off on their own creative path. 

Collectively, the Midwife is playing a very active role in our planetary civilization now as she helps and supports the birth of a new paradigm, helping with the emergence into physical form of the latent potential of the world.

This is an ongoing once a month workshop series but each workshop has a stand alone theme and you are welcome to participate in any or all in this series.

Cost: $45 (includes snacks, tea & coffee) All materials supplied. Please bring notebook, pen and personal bottle of water. 

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Enquiries & Bookings: 0431 856 556

Strange Encounters Monthly Meeting – Sunday 16 June, 2024

Third Sunday of each month. 1pm to 3.30pm

“The Astrology of Strange Encounters” with Babula Clement

One of the most intriguing questions in the field of UFOs and the paranormal is why some people have these types of experiences while others don’t. Is it purely coincidence or is there more to it? At this meeting astrologer Babula Clement will explore this question by delving into the astrology of the people who report UFO sightings and alien contacts/abductions, NDE’s, ghost sightings and other paranormal experiences, by investigating the idea that these experiences, like all of our life experiences, are somehow written in the stars.

Entry: $15 (includes afternoon tea) 

Seats are limited so please RSVP to save your place.

Venue: BodyLight Centre, Jindalee, Brisbane. Address when booking.

Enquiries & RSVP: Sheryl Gottschall 0431 856 556 (phone or text me)

Strange Encounters Monthly Meeting – Sunday 21 July, 2024

with Andrew Lindley (more details soon)

Strange Encounters Monthly Meeting – Sunday 18 August, 2024

Third Sunday of each month. 1pm to 3.30pm

Remote Viewing with Dr Irina Webster

Remote Viewing is scientifically proven and based on telepathy which is the ability to extend our consciousness to specific places, locations, or people. Dr Irina Webster, uses Remote Viewing skills in her work to evaluate people’s health and help them heal. The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that remote viewing is a trained skill that the average person can learn to do. At this meeting Irina will share how to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means.

Entry: $15 (includes afternoon tea) 

Seats are limited so please RSVP to save your place.

Venue: BodyLight Centre, Jindalee, Brisbane. Address when booking.

Munay-ki Rites One Day Intensives (on request)

“The Munay-Ki are the rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation.” – Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

Elders from the Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals and Tibetan people speak of a time when the balance of the world would be threatened by greed. This would be the time of the great transformation to the New Age. This transition will only be possible with the birth of the new human, people of wisdom and power who live free of fear and return to their indigenous nature and accept stewardship for all creation. The time is now to choose to become the new human that walks softly on the earth and live sustainably with nature.

The Munay-Ki Rites are a journey of evolution, consisting of nine powerful rites that heal and transform, bless and awaken, and are the codes for the new human to initiate you into the medicine way.

These teachings are offered in three stages. Stage 1 includes the first three rites for personal spiritual growth. Stage 2 includes rites 4 to 6 which take you deeper into the energies of the Munay-ki. Stage 3 includes rites 7-9 and is given to those who want to teach the Munay-ki rites to others.

Each class consists of teachings, notes, attunements and shamanic journeys. Each participant is gifted a personal pi-stone to keep and use for ceremonial purposes.

Fee: $120 Includes tea breaks and snacks. Please BYO lunch, notebook & pen.

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Enquiries& Bookings: 0431 856 556

Sunday 22 September, 2024 – Spring Equinox Celebration

Learn the Egyptian Healing Art of Seichim 2024 details soon.

Seichim pronounced (Saykeem) is an Egyptian word meaning power or might. It is also the Egyptian equivalent of the Indian term prana and the word chi and ki used in the Orient to denote the all encompassing essential force that binds the universe together, and is present in all life. Seichim is living light energy as well as an ancient Egyptian system of healing wisdom. This energy works to balance and harmonise a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Seichim is a high frequency, vibratory light and sound energy that complements and enhances traditional medical interventions while activating our innate healing resources. It is applied through the hands by an initiated practitioner and the positive effects of Seichim carry forward from session to session, building momentum as an individual moves through the healing process.

Seichim is also applied by imprinting symbols into the light body of the client to activate and focus the various healing frequencies in specific ways. The symbols are multidimensional and carry universal light keys and codes that go beyond the restrictions of everyday language as well as the conscious mind. The symbols also hold specific higher wisdom and knowledge that are transmitted and activated through their use.

Fee: $180. Includes tea breaks and snacks. Please BYO lunch, notebook & pen.

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Bookings & Enquiries: 0431 856 556

Awaken to the Spirit World 1 (on request)

Do you feel drawn to return to the grass roots of your being? To return to ancient ways and begin to live again in proper relationship to the Earth and all those we share it with? This experiential workshop teaches you the basic skills of shamanic journeying where you will re-awaken ancient knowledge to access wisdom and support from the unseen realms. Be guided by the experience of direct contact with Spirit, journeying with medicine drums into different realms to establish connections with your power animals, commune with the spirits, learn ceremony and much more.

During this workshop you will be shown the practical skills for navigating the multi-verse while connecting with the unseen realms.

About Sheryl Gottschall
Sheryl underwent an initiation over a period of ten years through serious illness culminating in a near death experience, out of body experiences, UFO sightings, close encounters with non-human intelligences, as well as many other paranormal experiences. She draws from her understanding of these experiences and guidance from her helping Spirits in her shamanic teaching workshops.

Prerequisite: None. This workshop is for beginners who are stepping on to the shamanic path for the first time.

What to bring:
A pen and notebook/journal.
Some type of eye-cover eg. scarf, sleep mask.
Something of personal significance to add to the group altar eg. crystal, photo, bird feather, flower essence.
Rattle or drum if you have one.
Light cover for comfort (depending on the weather, room is airconditioned)
Bottle of water and your own lunch. (tea breaks supplied) There is also a bakery, foodstore and cafe within a 5 minute walk to purchase lunch.

Fee: $120. Please pre-pay when booking.  

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Bookings & Enquiries: 0431 856 556

Awaken To The Spirit World 2 (on request)

This experiential workshop builds on Awakening To Spirit (1) where participants continue working with Spirit and journeying with medicine drums to visit the unseen realms with their power animals.

In this workshop you will be joined with your spirit allies who will guide you to communicate with the spirits of the plant kingdom, meet your ancestors and find your shamanic name. There will also be teachings and ceremonies to deepen your connection with your spiritual allies.

About Sheryl Gottschall
Sheryl underwent an initiation over a period of ten years through serious illness culminating in a near death experience, out of body experiences, UFO sightings, close encounters with non-human intelligences, as well as many other paranormal experiences. She draws from her understanding of these experiences and guidance from her helping Spirits in her shamanic teaching workshops.

What to bring:
A pen and notebook/journal.
Some type of eye-cover eg. scarf, sleep mask.
Something of personal significance to add to the group altar eg. crystal, photo, bird feather, flower essence.
Rattle or drum if you have one.
Light cover for comfort (depending on the weather, room is airconditioned) Bottle of water and your own lunch. (tea breaks supplied) There is also a bakery, foodstore and cafe within a 5 minute walk to purchase lunch.

Fee: $120. Please pre-pay when booking.

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Enquiries& Bookings: 0431 856 556

Learn Shamanic Healing (1) 9.30am to 5pm (on request)

Shamanic healing is an ancient tradition of healing that utilises knowledge gained through connecting with the spirits. This ancient healing practice is based on a holistic approach where everything is connected and everything has spirit. A distinctive feature of shamanic healing, from other types of energetic healing, is the journey of the shaman to access knowledge and work with the spirits to restore physical health, balance emotional discord, and reset mental imbalance or alleviate soul sickness.

In this experiential workshop you will begin with a dismemberment journey in preparation to become the “hollow bone” for healing purposes. This training will also include diagnostic journeys to extract anything that needs to be sent to the light.

This workshop will give you the core skills to build and develop your individual experience as a shamanic practitioner or for personal healing.

You will:
Undertake a dismemberment journey in preparation to become the “hollow bone” and to access healing knowledge; learn about and participate in diagnostic journeys to locate illness and receive information from your healing allies on how to treat it; learn about the use of rattles, drumming and sound for healing.

Prerequisite: Good journey skills. (Previous therapeutic skills are helpful but not essential)

What to bring:

Pen and notebook/journal; eye-cover eg. sleep mask, scarf, bandana.
Something of personal significance to add to the group altar eg. crystal, photo, bird feather, flower essence, jewellery, light cover for comfort (depending on weather).
BYO lunch and water bottle, or 5 min walk to cafes and take away food stores.

Fee: $120. Includes herbal teas, coffees and snacks.

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Enquiries & Bookings: 0431 856 556

Learn Shamanic Healing (2) 9.30am to 5pm (on request)

This workshop builds on Shamanic Healing (1) teaching more about the tradition of working with Earth based techniques, vibrational energies and our spiritual allies in the unseen spirits, to bring about healing in its truest form.

A shamanic healing can take many forms from physical healing to reconnecting with lost parts of ourselves. Shamans also use their spiritual light with crystals for healing in many different situations which do not rely on locality or time.

In this workshop you will learn:

To work with your spiritual allies taking part in a soul retrieval to reintegrate missing soul parts; transfiguration and how to use your spiritual light for healing; the use of crystals in extraction and soul retrieval work; Icaros (medicine songs) and how to use them for personal healing and for others; planetary healing and how to practice shamanism without borders.  

Prerequisite: Good journey skills. (Previous therapeutic skills are helpful but not essential)

What to bring:

Pen and notebook/journal; eye-cover eg. sleep mask, scarf, bandana.
Something of personal significance to add to the group altar eg. crystal, photo, bird feather, flower essence, jewellery, light cover for comfort (depending on weather).
BYO lunch and water bottle, or 5 min walk to cafes and take away food stores.

Fee: $120. Includes herbal teas, coffee and snacks.

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Enquiries & Bookings: 0431 856 556

Shamanic Transfiguration – Shape-shifting (on request)

In shamanic practice the process of transfiguration is the same as shape-shifting and could be described as changing from an earthly state into a divine state where we don’t just enter luminosity, we embody luminosity. It is an ancient, esoteric practice utilized by shamans and mystics to shine their own divine, high vibrational frequencies while transmuting denser energies into divine vibration. There are endless accounts in history of those who have performed miracles and healed others by becoming one with the divine during transfiguration experiences, eg. Ramana Maharishi, Krishnamurti, Ramakrishna, Jesus Christ, Ammachi etc. They did this by becoming one with the divine and to shine a luminous divine light for healing and awakening for themselves and others.

Once we learn to become a beautiful, harmonious vessel through finding our true balance within, we can truly shine and radiate pure healing light into our environment. During this process we might find ourselves taking the form of a power animal, spirit guide, saint or mystic who has the ability to heal.

During this workshop you will learn how to use this profound gift for the healing of others through toning, filling with spiritual light and shining your radiance to touch all with your divine self.

Prerequisite: Good journey skills. (Previous therapeutic skills are helpful but not essential)

What to bring:

Pen and notebook/journal; eye-cover eg. sleep mask, scarf, bandana.
Something of personal significance to add to the group altar eg. crystal, photo, bird feather, flower essence, jewellery, light cover for comfort (depending on weather).
BYO lunch and water bottle, or 5 min walk to cafes and take away food stores.

Fee: $120. Includes herbal teas, coffee and snacks.

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Enquiries & Bookings: 0431 856 556

REIKI Level 1, Reiki 2 (Practitioner) & 3 (Master/Teacher) (on request)

REIKI pronounced ray-key, is a Japanese healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. It utilises Universal Energy, a subtle energy which flows through and permeates all things. It is also the name that Mikao Usui gave to the system of natural healing that he developed in 1922. After being attuned to Reiki a person can channel this universal energy to harmonize and balance the body, mind and spirit of another or themselves. This attunement is performed by a Reiki teacher who has received an attunement themselves which has been passed on from Reiki Master to Reiki Master using the Usui system of Reiki.

A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is performed while you are fully clothed and the practitioner places their hands on or near your body at certain meridian and chakra points to channel the energy into your system. This energy has its own intelligence and flows naturally through your system to return it to a more balanced and harmonious state.

What You Will Learn:

Reiki 1 (one day intensive) – The five Reiki precepts, history of Reiki, how to give Reiki, Reiki treatments and responses, self treatment, four level one attunements, introduction to chakras, your Reiki lineage, certificate of completion & manual. Fee: $180

Reiki 2 Practitioner (one day intensive) – Reiki symbols and their meaning, symbols as a key to unlocking energy, level two attunement, distant healing, certificate of completion & manual. Fee $180

Reiki 3 Teacher (one day intensive) – More Reiki symbols, how to transmit the Master attunement to others, how to perform distant attunements, advanced Reiki techniques, what you need to teach for each level, certificate of completion & manual. Fee: $300

*All levels include tea breaks and snacks. Please BYO lunch, notebook & pen.

Reiki Level 1, Level 2 and Master level training is available for groups or personal sessions upon enquiry.
Enquiries & Bookings: Sheryl Gottschall 0431 856 556

Venue: The BodyLight Centre, Jindalee. (address on booking)

Goddess Circle (pending…when the time is right)

Virtual & In-person Meditation Classes (on request)

Classes on request for groups or one on one.

“Meditation is increasingly recommended for relaxation and stress management to enhance relationships and well-being, to increase performance in sport and business, for personal growth, to transform pain and to assist healing.” ~ Dr Ian Gawler

Meditation fosters self-understanding, enhances coping capacities and reconnects you with the basic happiness of being alive. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, helps manage anger, improves sleep, improves well-being and helps us achieve a higher state of consciousness.

During this 4 week program you will learn:

  • how to meditate to calm chaos.
  • how to reduce mindless mental chatter.
  • how to move from distraction to being present.
  • the tools of mindfulness meditation to master your mental awareness.
  • take-away techniques that you can apply in your everyday life.

Each week includes discussion, guided meditation, Q & A.

Fee: $48. Suitable for beginners and practicing meditators.

Enquiries & Bookings: 0431 856 556

Subscribe to Sheryl and Baluba’s FREE Astrology Now podcast on You Tube to learn how the planetary influences are shining their light into your life and on the world stage. This fun and informative series is now in its fourth year.