The Green Ideology

Green is the colour of forests; Green is nature. Green is the colour of paper bills; Green is synthetic. The colour ‘Green’ is the most natural and the most artificial of all. Green is natural, and, at the same time, it is constructed.

I read and write for a living. I write histories of ideas, rationalities, institutions, and human-nonhuman relations. Most of my work involves researching and sharing visions about how the humanities can contribute to a solution for our current planetary crisis.

Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.
– Albert Camus –

This blog is a place where I deposit my thoughts and ideas before I can make anything out of them coherent enough to use as a research question. All thoughts are my own unless credited otherwise.

Stories that Change…

This blog tells three stories.

Environmental stories explore the world of human-nonhuman interactions.

Intellectual stories tell you the power of ideas in solving our current crisis.

Historical stories take you through a past world when the things we deem natural were not so natural.




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Introduction: Why I’m a ‘Green Ideologist’

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Green Ideology (TakeOne, 2018)

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The Green Ideologist