Aged Look Film Recipes

Film simulation recipes with an Aged Look

My personal photographic style includes a lot of use of softer tones and nostalgic aged looks. I love photos that look like they were printed decades ago and have faded over time. On this page, I have brought together the film recipes with an aged look, like old prints or expired film.

Three to narrow down this list would be Aged Kodak Portra, Decade Print and Expired Geographic.


Expired Film and Aged Look Film Recipes

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FEATURED THREE – Try one of these on your next adventure!

Vintage Mood
Polaroid SX70

More Aged Look Recipes

Despite the wide range of aged looks that you can produce with Fujifilm film simulation recipes, there aren’t so many other sites that feature them. There are quite a few on FujiXWeekly of course, and a couple of others here and there.

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