Welcome to the home of the Doc Talos stories!

The Talos Chronicle book series is an adult-audience pastiche of the iconic pulp character Doc Savage…created by author R. Paul Sardanas and artist Iason Ragnar Bellerophon.

The Talos stories not only revisit the classic pulp years of 1933-1949, they reach back to1880’s Victorian London, span the entirety of the 20th century, and explore forward to the not-so-distant future. The central focus of the tales is the life of James Talos Jr. and his cousin Rickie (sophisticated avatars of Doc and Pat Savage).

Along the way you will experience globe-spanning travels and the intense passion and violence of the “bloody pulps” re-imagined for mature readers. Books in the series include completely new novels, re-imagined classic Doc pulp novels, anthology collections, omnibus editions and art monographs. Doc Talos Magazine, a deluxe bi-monthly publication, continues to expand the tapestry of Talos tales.


Enjoy browsing the site! You will find author/artist biographies, samples from the books, fan fiction, videos, news of Doc Talos works in progress, and the Forbidden Pulp blog, filled with not only Doc Talos history and background, but also extensive explorations of the exploits of Doc Savage in the pulps, comics, and more.

Latest from the Forbidden Pulp Blog

Announcing “Two Apocalypses”

I’m delighted to announce that a special Doc Talos project is in the works for release later in 2024. I’ve teamed with author William Dexter to create a very unique book: which will ultimately be the second Doc Talos Double (a flip book, like the old Ace Doubles). We’ll be doing it as a charitable…

Rickie Talos Pinup Sneak Peeks

Here’s an advance peek at my contribution to the pinups in the upcoming issue of Doc Talos Magazine. The Doc Talos stories take a more realistic approach to the classic Doc Savage characters, but interestingly, it is only post-pulp that Pat began to be depicted in the Bama-esque “Doc Savage costume”, so when creating images…