Autonomie Project is a new Fair Trade fashion company offering stylish sweatshop-free & eco-friendly footwear, clothing and accessories.

We work exclusively with small, independent cooperatives and Fair Trade certified facilities located in developing areas of the world. We use organic cotton, all natural FSC rubber, and other eco-friendly materials whenever possible to lessen our environmental impact.

We assist our workers with the development and marketing of their products so that they may prosper and lead sustainable lifestyles. By introducing them to US consumers like you, we can empower these disadvantaged workers to become thriving participants in a reconfigured global marketplace.

It has been proven time and time again that the only viable response to the issues of sweatshops and child labor is to establish favorable commerce in which a worker can depend on a reliable, fair trade that will end the cycle of poverty.  Autonomie Project is working to do just that.

We provide our workers with a fair wage so they can beat sweatshops while providing our customers with competitively priced style.  Our products are relevant and fashionable for today’s market, always vegan , always eco, and always sweatshop-free so that you can wear your values and still look good!

Learn more by visiting

17 Responses to “About Us”

  1. Timothy B Says:

    Thanks for adding us to your blogroll! Please feel free to add your blog to our directory!

  2. Hi,

    I write a blog, Cause+Capitalism, on conscious capitalism and social enterprise. I’d love to be added to your blogroll.

    I’m adding you to mine.


  3. JJW Says:

    Awesome site, I loved the Eco travel post…

    Just dropping you a line to show some support and let you know about a cool site (that educates users on eco practices of businesses) you might be interested in. Its called …feel free to add us to your directory!


  4. Hi,

    Thanks for working to try and create a new type of global marketplace.

    I noticed your website mentions soon having information on “our workers in the field.” It will be great to learn more about the people, where they live, how they are organized, their working conditions and what standards you use to insure a fair wage etc so that consumer educators like me can build an understanding of your model.

    Looking forward!

  5. Blair Stephens Says:


    I am interested in chatting with you guys about cross promotional opportunities with other green and eco friendly companies.

    Can someone please email me if you are interested?

    Blair Stephens

  6. Smriti saxena Says:


    I am a Ph.d student, doing a research on Eco-textiles and clothing.
    I would like to work with you as I will be able to use my speciality.
    Can someone please e-mail me if you are interested?

    Smriti Saxena

  7. Smriti saxena Says:


    I am a Ph.d student, doing research on Eco-textiles & clothing.

    I would like to work with you guys,as in this way, I will be able to use my speciality.

    Can someone please e-mail me, if you are interested.

    Smriti Saxena

  8. BuyGreen Says:

    I ran into your site – very good. I wanted to introduce to you.

    We think we provide a broad selection of products meet all the eco-friendly needs for both Consumers and Commercial buyers.

    What makes us unique is we apply our proprietary Green Standards to every product we carry – This allows our customers easy access to both why the product is eco-friendly with one stop shopping.

    Additionally we Carbon Offset all our business activities and shipments – all sent ground. All our packaging is ‘shamelessly reused’ – we have never used a new box. Last we participate in the 1% for the Planet program and offer best in class customer service.

    I am hoping you will check us out and if you are interested in discussing any aspect of our business, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  9. Viaxalaky Says:

    Solid info hope to visit once again=D

  10. globalfayre Says:

    Love your blog, love your attitude and love your products too!

    Thank you for keeping it green and supporting Fair Trade.

    David and Cheri
    Global Fayre

  11. Eliana Says:


    We are the nordic distributors of the Ethletic brand and we have seen the lovely picture of the “happy new customers” wearing their Ethletic sneakers in the Seattle event.

    I was wondering if we could get permission from you to use this picture for our campaign here.

    Thanks for your attention, and congrats on your cool blog!


    1. Hi Eliana,

      Nice to virtually meet you! Yes, you can definitely use that photo for your campaign. Please just make sure to credit Autonomie Project, Inc.

      We hope to work with you again in the future.

      Kind regards,
      The AP team

  12. anuj shah Says:

    we want to use the logo of fair trade for our seamless garment in india pls revert back

    1. Hi there – the Fair Trade garment certification is new in the United States and is still in its initial stages. Only a few factories have been chosen to work with the certifying organization’s pilot program. I encourage you to contact TransFair USA as they are leading the pilot garment certification, are responsible for auditing and certifying factories and producers, and are the only ones that can administer the use of the fair trade logo. You can find more info on their website:

  13. MuslimAct Says:

    I just came across your site, and I’m really happy to read about the great work you’re doing!

  14. 52wellingtonweeks Says:

    I’m currently at the start of a year long mission to only buy fair trade, NZ made or 2nd hand clothes or shoes. If you could link to my blog or follow it that would be fantastic!


    ps- great site and awesome work that you’re doing. 🙂

  15. Hannah Brunelle Says:

    Great blog! Love the posts recent holiday posts!

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