Come Along with Me on a Knitting Tour of Irelandthe Aran Islands, Donegal, the Causeway Coast, Dublin, and Belfast.

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Irish Music

David Martin, a classical Irish tenor and ex-Irish Defence Forces sergeant, transitioned from being a member of ‘The Three Tenors Ireland’ and ‘The Five Irish Tenors’ to focus on his solo career and the new group ‘TENORS INC.’ Having trained under Geraldine McGee, Ugo Benelli, and others, Martin toured 30 American states and various European…

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The Book of Kells, Trinity College — Dublin

The Book of Kells, a masterwork of Western calligraphy and the pinnacle of illumination, is a celebrated illuminated manuscript and Celtic Gospel book in Latin. Created in the late 6th to early 9th centuries by Columban monks, its origin remains debated. The manuscript comprises intricate illustrations and ornamentation imbued with Christian symbolism. Surviving many adversities,…

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 An Bradán Feasa  

In a workshop taught by Ciara Ni Reachtnin, participants learned about the Salmon of Knowledge from Irish mythology. This tale centers on a salmon who gained the world’s knowledge by eating hazelnuts that fell into the Well of Wisdom. Fionn Mac Cumhaill, a valiant warrior, accidentally received this wisdom from the salmon, allowing him to…

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IRELAND: Prologue

The author recounts her 10-day knitting tour in Ireland, motivated by her partial Irish ancestry and love for knitting. With a focus on rural scenery, local shopping, and the country’s rich history, the tour also featured unique elements like an Irish tenor bus driver. Maintaining Irish knitting traditions became a personal part of her cultural…

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Off on Another Adventure!

After a period of silence while working on three new books, the author from The Write Stuff is now adventuring in Ireland for a 14-day Knitting Tour. The trip involves traversing the Emerald Isle, learning about Irish Knitting, taking workshops, and exploring the culture. Last night, they engaged with author Vawn Corrigan, discussing Irish textiles,…

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