
Tireless brimstone lifts the spirits

The brimstone butterfly is typically the first butterfly of the year to emerge and widely regarded as the ‘harbinger of spring.’

Late night polecat encounter

Although there was something of the Pepé Le Pews about the animal, I was sure what we had seen was a polecat.

Imbolc is here

Imbolc is a pagan festival held to mark the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

Hovering wonder

Is it possible to ‘tread air’? If it is, then the kestrel has it down to an art.

When the rains came

Each time the floodwaters arrive on the meadows, it is like a world transformed.

Mind the Sycamore Gap

Very rarely does flora make the headlines but the felling of a tree in Northumberland has been the main topic of conversation across the land.

Where have all the rabbits gone?

Only a generation ago there were so many rabbits they were seen as pests but these days you don’t see many at all.

Ladybirds cluster in winter

Overwintering ladybirds are often found in clusters – a formation that offers a number of advantages to aid survival.

Time to pay attention to house sparrows

As the temperate autumn has shifted to an overcast winter, the sparrows in my garden have been a wonderful source of entertainment that brightens the day.

All hail the wagtail

The grey wagtail is a stunning creature, small and sleek with grey and black feathers on its back and a gorgeous yellow underbelly, and of course, a long dark tail that it wags constantly.

The watcher in the woods

The wood pigeon is widely despised and regarded as faintly ridiculous, but our countryside would be poorer without this under-appreciated bird.

Time to reflect on buttercups

One of the many gifts the Common Lands offer up to the people of Sudbury is the explosion of buttercups that appear each spring

In search of giants

A small colony of cranes are now established in Suffolk – the first time these majestic birds have lived in the county for 400 years.

The blackcap heads north for winter

It was still and the sky was low with grey cloud. It seemed to me that everything else had stopped, so this solitary bird could let rip.

Where bough meets the briny

Take a walk among the magnificent maritime trees of the Shotley estuaries and you are strolling through a unique habitat.

Close encounters of the bird kind

Normally, there is not much to see at 4pm on a South Suffolk Sunday in early January but last weekend was an exception.

Cormorants make a home in Suffolk

Wildlife is under threat and many animal species are experiencing deeply concerning declines in numbers. One exception, in East Anglia at least, is the cormorant.

Ivy comes into its own in late summer

Much maligned, ivy is, in fact, a wonderful source of food and shelter for many species, including the stunning ivy bee – a relative newcomer to these shores.

Build it and they will come…

The new visitor centre at Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s Carlton Marshes nature reserve is a gateway into a wildlife wonderland and sure to become a landmark in this corner of the county.

All of a flutter about Suffolk’s butterflies

The Big Butterfly Count offers an opportunity to take a closer look at these winged beauties, and in Suffolk there are a number of locations where visitors can hope to see butterflies galore.

In the forest of the cuckoos

You have to get up early to meet a star of the cuckoo world – a bird that is sometimes heard but rarely seen.

Hawthorn’s festival of blossom

Those who take notice will have been quietly appreciating the transient splendour of the hawthorn blossom over the past few weeks.

Celebrating 60 years of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust

The county’s dedicated wildlife conservation charity has achieved a huge amount since its formation in 1961, but with threats to nature multiplying, its greatest challenges are yet to come.

Sudbury’s special relationship with its swans

It is a sound that stops me in my tracks every time I hear it – the unmistakeable throbbing hum that emanates from the giant wings of mute swans as they fly over Sudbury.

Suffolk’s disappearing wildlife

When David Attenborough speaks, people take notice – and now he is warning of an impending biodiversity crisis. But what is the situation like for wildlife in Suffolk?

Muntjac deer – friend or foe?

Within a few generations, muntjac deer have become a common sight in Suffolk – to the point where these adaptable grazers are now having an impact on our native wildlife and our dinner plates.


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