
Jim Dollar’s Photography
and Philosophy

Everything begins with,
and flows from,
balance and harmony,
sincerity and integrity,
spirit, energy and vitality.
Live from there

in the service of
your original nature
and your innate
(The things you do best
and love to do most)
and your intrinsic intuition
in doing what is called for
in each situation as it arises.
No one could do more.

The Grounding Principle:

We give our best in the service of what is called for 
in each situation as it arises, 
and let that be that. 
Without keeping score,
or contriving to gain 
profit or advantage.

and Good Faith 
lead the way. 
All the way. 

That is the idea 

We live to incarnate.

About Me…

I’m retired, but we never quit finding our way to being who we are, even as we learn who that is as we go. In retirement (and sometimes before), we don’t have to pretend that we know what we are doing, but can be free to be like the spirit who is like the wind, blowing where it will, not knowing where it will be blowing next.

I worked as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, and Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, Texas.

My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters and one great-granddaughter within 10 minutes of where we live–and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

I also have two related web sites on WordPress, located at https://www.jimwdollar.com which serves as an archive for all of my published work. And at https://jimwdollar.wordpress.com which serves as a harbor for things that need a place to be said from time to time.

What I’m doing here…

I post photographs with words in free verse, as a way of articulating/sharing what I find to be helpful in the work to bring ourselves forth within the context and circumstances of our life, hoping that you will find something there helpful in doing your own work when, and where, you are.

I also recommend the companion site bundled with this page, The Non-Subscribing Church of What’s Happening Now, accessed through the drop down menu at the top right. Clicking on the name (The Non-Subscribing Church of What’s Happening Now) in the above right on this page, will open to the introduction (“home page”) of that page, and you can also access the drop down menu associated with it from there.

The Non-Subscribing Church of What’s Happening Now is my alternative to The Church of Our Experience, which may suit you just fine, and if so, you would be right to ignore What’s Happening Now, on all levels. If, however, the title piques your interest, click-in and explore what’s there.

Now What?

My daily posts are located in the header at the top of this page under the months listed. Click a month and a drop down menu will take you to the dates that I have posted something. Thanks for visiting! Stay safe and be well! And, as the British might say, “Mind how you go!”

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