
Below you will find posts, news articles, random musings and other helpful things that didn’t fit anywhere else!

Climate Change and Creativity

This months Youth Action Blog is all about climate change and creativity, we look at a mural made out of recycled bottle lids, new benches for the canal and improved active travel with the Pocket Places Project at Easter Carmuirs Primary School. Twilight sports are back outdoors for the Easter school Holidays.

Fab Feb Youth Action Activities

Fab Feb Youth Action Activities, all free for 10-16 year olds , food and drink provided, please have a read and get booked on for a wonderful experience

Launching the Safer Communities Youth Action Project

Review of the Summer Programme 2023 #YouthAction  #Summerprogramme23 Rather than arrange a high-profile launch for our new local Youth Project we believed it would be more effective to get young people involved from the outset and use the summer school holidays as an opportunity to have young people immediately participating. The Summer Programme 23 provided…

Youth Action in Camelon and Tamfourhill for Summer 2023:

The forthcoming summer school holidays provide an excellent opportunity to launch the new Safer Streets Youth Action Project (SSYAP). Since the Project began in April, we have been supporting the Friday night Twilight Sports Programme which has had a fantastic series of sessions at Easter Carmuirs park and in the last couple of weeks has…

New Youth Action Project to be launched for Tamfourhill, Camelon and Bantaskin.

The Safer Streets Youth Action Project is to be fully launched in the coming weeks with the overarching aim of working with young people across Tamfourhill, Camelon and Bantaskin to encourage youth led community action. This exciting new Project will build upon the ongoing success of the local Community Safety work that was initiated by…

Safer Streets Youth Action Project:

The new Project will work with young people across Tamfourhill, Camelon and Bantaskin to encourage youth led community action in the area. The Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill Project comes to an end on the 5th May 2023, however the Tamfourhill Tenants and Residents Organisation are very happy and excited to be launching the new…

Canal Connections Public Report:

The Falkirk Canal Connections project ended at the end of September 2022. A collaborative regeneration project that ran from January to September, its aim was to create a brighter, fairer and greener future for Falkirk’s canal-side communities. Funded by the UK Government’s UK Community Renewal Fund, it focused on the areas of Camelon and Tamfourhill.…

A Community Charter that is having positive impacts for the local area.

One of the key partners within the Community Climate Action Plan Core Group has been Falkirk High School, they have been onboard with this Plan from its inception back in April 2022. The school has been represented on the Core Group by Ms Stroud along with groups of young people who have been involved with…

November’s community safety blog highlights the journey of the Tamfourhill John Muir Award group and other community safety events happening over the next month.

Climate change, encouraging biodiversity and conservation of our natural environment are all community safety concerns and the recently agreed Community Climate Action Plan for Camelon and Tamfourhill represents a local response to the negative impacts and consequences of the climate emergency. Through my ongoing community engagement work especially the environmental improvement work carried out around…

Community Safety Bulletin for September

Community Council for Camelon, Tamfourhill and Bantaskin: The elections for the community council take place on 26th October, with nominations closing on the 16th September and I would encourage any interested local people to come forward and become a community councillor, the details of the nomination and election process can be found at this Falkirk…

The Carmuirs Development Project:

Over the next 2 months the Tidy, Clean and Green Community Group with the support of the Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill Project will be coordinating a programme of activities and events which will be focused upon environmental improvement and the development of two locations: the Camelon Juniors FC Car park and adjoining land, including…

Lots of Summer fun in this month’s Community Safety Bulletin:

The Twilight Sports Pilot Project has grown form strength to strength, it was a real wrench to have to leave the MUGA on Carradale Avenue in Tamfourhill, the sessions had become busier with regular faces turning up every week and where the inline skating and rollerblading proved to be very popular. We are now at…

Community Safety bulletin for the month of May 2022:

Spring is on the way It has been a remarkably busy April going into May with a range of community safety projects and local engagement events so here are the main highlights with some accompanying photographs:    The twilight sports sessions got under way with 2 taster sessions in April with the full programme roll…

April Community Safety Bulletin

This has probably been the busiest time for me as the Community Safety Engager, with a wide array of community activities and new developments taking place that are all linked with keeping Camelon and Tamfourhill a safer, happier and a more attractive place to live. Here is a whistle stop tour of the main events…

Community Safety Monthly Bulletin:

Making Camelon and Tamfourhill a safer, happier, and more attractive place to live. Due to an ever-increasing workload and a finite amount of available time I have decided to reduce my weekly community safety blog to a regular monthly update, and this will be published on the first Monday of the month. I will ensure…

And now….

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 24 February 2022 So this is it. This is my final blog as your Community Coach. I have mixed emotions as I write and I am not going to drag this out any longer than necessary. The last 2 years have been a rollercoaster of emotions as we’ve dealt with…

Community Renewal

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 17 February 2022 We are so pleased to be able to reveal to you that a decent chunk of funding is coming into various projects and organisations in the Camelon and Tamfourhill area thanks to the UK Government Community Renewal Fund. The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for…

Family Fun for the Future Last Friday

The sun shone on the Juniors Car park and the people gathered for Fun for the Future Community Safety event last Friday 11th February. A good turn out with a variety of outdoor activities for the family, including make your own bird feeders, cooking marshmallows on an open fire and some den building and all…

Apply here…

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 10 February 2022 It’s another news update for you in my blog this week, specifically regarding funding and funded job opportunities. Funded Job OpportunitiesI reported back in November that the Scottish Government had awarded funding to encourage third sector organisations to offer paid work opportunities to people aged over 25…

Free Fun and Food this Friday!

If you read my community safety blog regularly you will be aware of the ongoing community engagement work that has been taking place at the Juniors car park. This location was identified as an unsafe and problematic area in terms of Anti-social behaviour and other issues like fly tipping and littering and it has  therefore…

News update

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 3 February 2022 For this week’s blog, here’s an update on a few bits and pieces of relevance: Community Choices Voting is still open for the latest projects looking to get funding for the larger projects. You can vote for any projects listed in your area of residence, plus there…

What makes our streets safe for active travel  ?

A Manifesto for walking 2022 There may not be an absolute consensus in peoples responses to this question however the recent Manifesto for Walking 2022 collated by Living Streets Scotland is an excellent starting point. In this community safety blog, I am going to highlight this manifesto and request that local people and groups  write to…

THRIVE is back!

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 30 January 2022 You may remember that we piloted the NHS THRIVE to Keep Well programme at the end of last year. This went well and produced some great results with most of the participants. We’ll publish a report once it has been finalised from all the relevant authorities, but…

Community Coach Announcement

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 20 January 2022 This is a transcript of the video shared on social media today. If you’ve landed here and would rather listen in, the video is also inserted at the foot of this blog. Hi there.  Dan here, your Community Coach.  I’m bringing you a very different blog this…

Your Watch Your Way

I am aware of ongoing problems and serious community safety concerns at Glenfuir and Greenbank Courts and that this has been reflected within recent articles published in the Falkirk Herald. These matters have also been raised with me through the Safer Streets roadshow held back in October and since then I have met with other…

New Year New Start

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 13 January 2022 Welcome to the first Community Coach blog of 2022. Another year working in this role with restrictions still hanging around us, but another year of opportunity for me to work alongside you, the lovely people of Camelon and Tamfourhill. I know this blog is coming out almost…

Tidings of Comfort and Joy?

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 16 December 2021 I love Christmas. But not everyone does. Infact, a YouGov survey in 2019 revealed that 1 in 7 people don’t like Christmas. And to be honest, I’ve probably had a love/hate relationship with it at different times in my life too. I spent most of my life…

Your Community Calendar is here

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 9 December 2021 Over recent months, we’ve been working with Camelon Arts on a new exciting project that I’ve wanted to do for ages. With the help of local people, we’re bringing a Camelon and Tamfourhill Community Calendar to the market! So what is this all about? Regular readers will…

Community Safety and Creativity

I want to touch briefly in this week’s Blog upon how we can collaborate with arts and creativity to make our communities safer and a more interesting place to live. I have been working  with Camelon Arts to plan how creativity can contribute to making camelon and Tamfourhill a safer, happier, and more attractive place…

Community Choices voting is back

Earlier this year, Falkirk Council launched Community Choices, where they have taken a percentage of their budget and opened it up to communities to apply for things in their area, and then to vote on what gets the money. Now it’s back for what they’re calling “Pilot Phase 2” and the Small Grant fund is…

The power of Collaboration

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 25 November 2021 Yesterday morning, as part of my work with the NHS THRIVE to Keep Well programme that we’re piloting in this area, we were thrilled to bring together a number of training and employability partners to advise the participants of the many opportunities that were available to them…

Is Social Media a Community Safety Concern?

I felt it was appropriate to revisit a community safety blog from this time last year when I was very recently collating the responses to the local youth survey. The results suggest that young people feel safe using social media, 81% saying they either always or usually felt safe using various platforms. Many respondents should…

Falkirk’s Funded Job Scheme

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 18 November 2021 Earlier this week I attended an information session led by our friends at the Falkirk Council Employment and Training Unit, regarding a new funded Job scheme for third sector organisations. Todays blog will highlight the relevant information about this scheme so that we can hopefully bring some…

The Canal clear ups and tackling the Climate Emergency

A review of the canal clear up programme and some considerations for moving forward in the long term: The Projects central aim was to deliver monthly Canal Clear ups and Conservation sessions and to be targeted and made available to local community organisations, groups of young people, schools and youth groups, and local families.  The…

A Two Way Street

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 11 November 2021 In the last few weeks we have passed the half way point in the 3 year funding package that we’re working within. Yes, that’s 18 months that we’ve been doing this stuff here at OPCT. And what a weird 18 months it has been! Who knew that…

Young Peoples Voices are being listened too and their priorities for community safety need to now  be supported.

A key outcome of the Community Safety Strategy is that  Young people will have increased opportunities to have their voices heard about the issues that affect their safety within the community, and within this I gave an undertaking that there will be ongoing consultation and engagement with young people through  streetwork contact, youth surveys and…

Community Choices is back!

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 4 November 2021 It is great news that the Falkirk Council Community Choices funding programme is back for Pilot Phase 2. This is where groups can submit applications for funding that the local public vote on to get the cash. Here’s the summary info, then I’ll give you a bit…

How will climate change Impact upon Community Safety ?

A very topical  question as Glasgow is now engrossed in COP26 and the Climate Emergency dominates our media both social and mainstream. The old adage think Global act local seems extremely  relevant and undoubtedly the impact of our environmental  actions locally will affect the planet wholesale, but equally worrying is how that initial local impact…

Fun in the Park – the review!

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 28 October 2021 Last Sunday we held the long awaited Fun in the Park event in Easter Carmuirs Park. Apart from a 10 minute downpour at the start, we had a dry afternoon which helped such a great crowd to come out and enjoy everything that was available for them.…

Fun in the Park – Easter Carmuirs

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 21 October 2021 I’ve mentioned a lot about the event this Sunday afternoon in Easter Carmuirs Park on our social media channels, but I just wanted to take time in this space to highlight one thing that we’ll be promoting. Back in 2017, consultations took place about potential developments for…

Community Safety activities this October Holidays.

Tamfourhill Youth Group with the assistance of McDonalds Restaurants on Glasgow Road carried out a litter pick at the Juniors Car Park on the morning of Wednesday 13th October, and this was greatly appreciated as it fully prepared that location for the Gather and Play event scheduled for the Friday. The Group worked tirelessly  to…

Gather and Play: A Community Safety Event:

A hands-on day of games, greening, safe place making and art Friday 15th October 11am-4pm at Camelon Juniors Football Ground Car Park   The Camelon Juniors Football Club Car Park and its immediate environs have historically been viewed as a problematic area for the local community with a longstanding high incidence of anti-social behaviour .…


Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 7 October 2021 What does it mean to be empowered? Is it something that is done to you? Something you can learn to do? Or something you grow within yourself, for yourself? Your view on those questions could determine whether or not you’re going to like this blog! Empowerment has…

A true Community Calendar

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 30 September 2021 Would you like to have a calendar that highlights all that is great about Camelon and Tamfourhill? Would you like to have a photo that you have taken featured in a calendar? If you answered yes to either of those questions then have I got something to…

National #CarFreeDay

Reallocation of Street Space and safer use of our neighbourhoods To acknowledge last weeks national #CarFreeDay I thought it was worthwhile to revisit this Blog from exactly one year ago in September 2021. Traffic and roads is one of the local community safety themes with car usage and a lack of safe crossing locations being a…


Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 23 September 2021 What will people think of you when you’re gone? Okay, that’s maybe not a cheerful question to ask you so let me put it another way. What impact are you having on those around you right now? If asked, how would people describe you? Now I know…

“When I heard the storm and looked out, I made haste to join it” John Muir

I have been involved in recent discussions about the provision of safe play facilities for younger children and families and this has become an emerging theme in relation to the local community safety agenda. This matter will be raised again over the coming weeks and will be significant in relation to the Gather and Play…

Communities Matter

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 16 September 2021 In my blog last week, I invited you to join the Community Revolution. But what does this really mean? Can you, members of the community, actually make a difference? Quite simply – YES!! Let’s explore this a little further What I love about working in Community Development…

Need some inspiration?

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 9 September 2021 On Tuesday of this week, I was privileged to be part of the facilitation team for a Scottish focussed UK Jamboree for Asset Based Community Development, or ABCD as it’s easier to call it! I’ve spoken about this method of community work in a previous blog, and…

Busy busy busy

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 2 September 2021 Now that we can do more things, it seems everyone is wanting to do everything in the next few months! Patience is key especially as some of you may still be a bit wary of going out to events at this time. We too have that air…

Understanding Anti Social Behaviour

One of the biggest challenges I face as the Community Safety Engager will be reassuring people that for most of the time, they are safe and to reduce their anxiety and fear about crime and who is considered to be responsible for causing crime within the local community. The community safety survey found that 64%…

Hakuna Matata

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 26 August 2021 Have you ever had times when despite the best planning, things just don’t work out as you hope? Those days when life throws you a few curve balls? What do you do when that happens? How do you cope? Do you plough on through, or stick your…

ABCD, easy as 1234

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 19 August 2021 Okay, that title doesn’t scan as well as the Jackson 5 hit “ABC” but there’s a reason for the strange title to the blog this week. Back in February I introduced you to a thing called Asset Based Community Development – ABCD for short. It’s a fancy…

A wonderful weekend of family activities on the canal and within the community of Camelon and Tamfourhill marks the launch of the new Tidy , Clean and Green Community Group.

Saturday was a family clear up on the canal  between the Falkirk Wheel and the Lock 16, the sun shone, and the wind blew at times, and the hard work of paddling and picking up rubbish was carried out with skill and through family teamwork. The canal is a central artery to the community, and…

A Weekend of Community Clean up and Greening activities for Camelon and Tamfourhill to launch the new Tidy, Clean and Green Community Group.

The Tidy, Clean & Green Campaign developed as a local response to the Community safety Strategies priorities for Camelon and Tamfourhill. Over the last year local people and community organisations were consulted about their priorities for making Camelon and Tamfourhill a safer, happier, and more attractive place to live. A significant theme and recurring concern…

Tidy Clean Green is go!

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 5 August 2021 Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill is pleased to announce the official arrival of the Tidy Clean Green group and want to invite you to join in the celebrations and activities. This group is a coming together of the Community Growing and Litter Picking groups who have both…

The Young Voices of the Future: We must save our Environment !!!

An interesting and refreshingly positive aspect of the Canal Clear ups has been the young peoples workshops which have concluded the days clean up work on both the canal and the towpath. The group who took part on Wednesday 21st July were tasked with thinking about where they lived and the places they played with…


Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 29 July 2021 For my blog this week, to finish off the series where I’ve asked “Why Bother” and “Why Not”, I am revisiting a blog I originally wrote back in July of last year, where I encouraged us to focus on Why we do things. What’s our motivation, our…

Why not?

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 22 July 2021 Last week in this blog, I asked the question “why bother”. Many of you read it and some took the time to comment positively about it which is nice, but now I want to encourage a bit more action. So, in direct answer to last week’s question,…

Why bother?

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 15 July 2021 For someone who is usually pretty positive, that may sound like a strange title for a blog. But this isn’t a rant or a whinge – it’s a rallying call to get involved. Be honest though. How many times have you said something along the lines of…

Community Streetwork and Community Safety

Going Walkabout in Camelon and Tamfourhill: I want to pick up from last week’s blog review to focus upon some aspects of the community safety strategy that will be implemented over the next few weeks. I have begun going walkabout around the local area and although this is a fit and healthy pursuit at any…

Community Safety Update

The edited highlights I want to use this week’s community safety blog to provide an update of where we are in terms of delivering the recently agreed strategy and in terms of developing and supporting local community safety projects. Needles to say as lockdown restrictions ease the more, I have been able to get out…

The journey (back) into work

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 1 July 2021 For my blog this week, I’d like to introduce you to Falkirk Council’s Employment Training Unit. They exist to help Falkirk residents who are unemployed or under-employed to gain the work experience and qualifications they need to compete in the job market. Here’s some images to help…

Vote Vote Vote (part two)

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 24 June 2021 Over the last few weeks, voting has been going on for the Small Grants part of Falkirk Council’s Community Choices fund – results from this are due very soon. Well, now its the time for the big ones – the larger Capital Programme applications. And there are…

Don’t just speak – say something

Community Coach blog, Dan Rous, 17 June 2021 I was relaxing the other evening watching “Later… with Jools Holland” when he introduced a song from UK jazz musician Emma-Jean Thackray. She’s quite a talent, being listed as a composer, producer, multi-instrumentalist, singer, bandleader and DJ! The style of music hooked me in and I was…

A Celebration of the Forth Valley Recovery Communities new partnership with the Our Place Project and #tidycleangreen

I was absolutely delighted to attend todays celebratory launch of the Tamfourhill Recovery Drop-in and its new environmental programme. This initiative has evolved through the local community safety strategy and is also intrinsically linked with our Tidy, Clean and Green campaign. Tamfourhill Community Hub provided a top quality buffet and I would like to thank…

Don’t suffer in silence

Last weekend, another young life was ended too soon. What makes it worse, is that this local young person chose to end their life. No-one should feel so much without hope that they feel this is their only option. So what can we do about it for ourselves and for our community? Firstly, let me…

THRIVE to Keep Well

Community Coach blog, Dan Rous, 3 June 2021 I am so pleased to be able to introduce an exciting programme that is new to Falkirk. We’re excited that NHS Forth Valley have come to us with the opportunity to pilot this programme that has run elsewhere but never before in Falkirk. So Camelon and Tamfourhill…

Vote Vote Vote (part one)

You may remember promotion a few months back regarding some new funding available through Falkirk Council called Community Choices. This is where the council have taken a percentage of their budget and opened it up to communities to apply for things in their area, and then to vote on what gets the money. Well, some…

A big thank you to the young citizens of Camelon and Tamfourhill

This week’s community safety blog is dedicated to our young volunteers and citizens of Camelon and Tamfourhill. A big thank you to the group of young canal clear up volunteers who spent Wednesday 19th May on the canal removing a wide array of rubbish and mess form the waterway.  The Group also spent time in…

Be more human

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 20 May 2021 Allow me to introduce you to the movement that is … Camerados. Being a Camerado basically means to look out for each other and, as the title of this blog suggests, to be more human. So why am I telling you about this movement? Well, basically because…

An Invitation to come along to the Juniors Car Park

You are cordially invited to make a site visit to the Camelon Juniors Car park Area and to imagine this space as being safer, more enjoyable and for the benefit of the local community: This location has a long-standing negative reputation for anti-social behaviour and is somewhere that is often described as being unsafe. We…

Community Growing Update

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 13 May 2021 For this week’s blog, I’d like to take the opportunity to bring you an update on our Community Growing group with some of the activity that has been happening, and what’s ahead – including (as you would expect) how you can get involved. Community Tool Sheds Earlier…

 Forth Valley Recovery Community and the local Community Safety Strategy:

  A key outcome of the local Community safety strategy is: There will be an increase in the provision of recovery and support opportunities for individuals and families who have been impacted by substance use and the criminal justice system and intricately linked are the outcomes concerned with improving community cohesion and lowering the level…

What is your motivation?

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 6 May 2021 Earlier this week, I saw this tweet from a force for good in Community Development – Cormac Russell, MD of Nuture Development: Truth is, *the needed* need *the needy* more than *the needy* need *the needed* Cormac Russell Take a moment to read that again, just to…

Friday Feature – One Year of OPCT

On Monday evening we celebrated (as best we could on Zoom) the first anniversary of Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill. It’s been a strange year to say the least but there was plenty to celebrate and look ahead to as well. So today, we wanted to just share some of the highlights from the evening…

Coaching 1 to 1

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 29 April 2021 At our First Anniversary Celebration event on Monday, I officially launched a 1 to 1 coaching programme that is FREE for you, the lovely people of Camelon and Tamfourhill. This is not sports coaching, but personal development coaching to help you, the coachee, to fully live out…

Launch of the Community Safety Strategy for Camelon and Tamfourhill

The first anniversary celebration of the Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill Project was a great success, there was positivity , enthusiasm and good news and virtual celebration about the first year of the Projects work in the community. There will be recordings of the evenings highlights available soon so keep an eye out on our…

Friday Feature – Let’s Celebrate

This is a reminder that on Monday next week (26th) we will be gathering on zoom at 6:30pm to celebrate the First Anniversary of Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill. Despite not being the first year any of us would have planned, our team have still managed to achieve great things with you in the community…

Keep the main thing the main thing

Community Coach Blog, Dan Rous, 22 April 2021 As we begin to move towards more things opening up and less restrictions, this is a good time to take a look at why you do what you do. Whether you’re doing something in the community, or have been in a job for years, or are just…

Slow down to go faster

From the many things we have learned or developed over this last year of restrictions, the gift of extra time is high up on many peoples list. A few friends of mine normally had a 60-90 commute to work each way – so they’ve gained up to 3 hours a day. What an amazing gift!…

The Easter Clear up is underway

Last Wednesday saw the first sessions in our Tidy, Clean and Green Easter tour begin with an extraordinarily successful Canal Clear up carried out by local youth groups and an incredible effort by members of the Addictions Support and Counselling Forth valley Recovery Group to clear the grass area next to Camelon Juniors FC Car…

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