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Work in progress.. 🙂


Everything I make is usually mixed media. I combine analog (pencil, gouache, watercolor) and digital. Both techniques offer endless options and it is exciting to combine them and discover new options. I am now working on this painting and enjoy the feeling of my brush on the paper. I never used paint on recycled paper. It works quiet well and it is fun to use the white paint on the brown paper.


Taking time off from Instagram really helps to create space for new ideas. I can already share these two snippets of new work!

Draw this in your style

Every now and then I like to join a #dtiys on Instagram. Draw This In Your Style is an art challenge, where artists draw an already existing artwork in their own style, using their own tools. Also, if you have your own ideas, want to draw the character in a different pose, change colors, you are free to do so. I like this kind of challenge, beacause it helps me to get out of your comfort zone.

Below you see the original artwork bij Nina Clausonet (in pink) and my interpretation (in green)

Madame Ziba

Nina Clausonet

Planet B

I know there is no a planet B, but when I saw the beautiful moss growing outside on my window sill I decided to create one.

Wheel throwing

The process is often frustrating and challenging, but I just love to do this!


Sit and breath, so simple, so challenging

Pottery and Eastern

Happy Easter! I had little time to draw this month and I missed it! 🙂


I absolutely love to participate in challenges on Instagram. It helps me so much to get out of my comfort zone and work on themes that I would not think of my self.  Also having to finish my work in a limited period of time motivates me. During the week of the challenge it is wonderful to discover what other participants post. It is funny to see that someone had the same idea, but expressed it in a completely different way. Often I am blown away by the creativeness and techniques that are used. It motivates me even more to try new materials and think more out of the box.  The illustrations in this post were made for Magic Moon Week. The prompts were: Lucid dreams, lunar medicine spellboud forest and moonlit ritual.

Which one is your favourite?

Flexible working space

A lot of people still work from home. But what if you don’t have a space of your own? Maybe this chair can help you out!

I like to make collages, both digital and analog. Combining my own painted elements with (elements from) pictures, see what happens and how they interact. It is a very intuitive process with unexpected results!


Folktaleweek is my favorite illustration challenge on Instagram. Find here what I made this year:

Holiday and new skills

I am enjoying a week off: making pottery in a beautiful place at the countryside. :-))))) Love to do this! And the food is delicious too!

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