2023 annual report

This has been a busy and successful year for the film society and my first report as chair since taking over from Colin Davison in April.  The year’s viewing has gone well. We showed a wide range of films, old, new, of foreign origin, serious, amusing… and its perhaps that range that has appealed to you, the viewers, as the voting for the films has been highly favourable, with an average of 94% approval overall and one film, An Inspector Calls, achieving 100% approval. We aim to continue with variety this coming year.  You will notice, however, that we have split the programme into two 6 month lists and have published January to June 2024, so that we may be able to incorporate new releases in the second half of next year. 

Financially, we the end the year in a good position, with a credit of £1600 after the November and December debits. The film licenses are our large expense but also necessary, while Abbey Fields rental has reduced over the year. Our membership stands at around 100, a drop since pre-Covid years. Attendance is variable (time of year, weather, type of film to be shown) but we have always enjoyed a good turnout. However,  Abbey Fields can cope with more members and we will carry out  recruitment in the new year. You will be pleased to read that the Film Society’s membership fee will remain the same as the previous year, at £30.00 per person. We are always pleased when guests come along to the viewing, so do encourage friends to attend and see what we have to offer.

I should like to thank several members without whom the film society would not run. First, Colin Davison, who led the society for five years with great professionalism and efficiency, and who has set me a high bar to maintain.  Sue Hilton continues to act as Treasurer and keeps us right on the important matters relating to the Film Society’s funding, while Paul Clark as secretary, is also our Abbey Fields link and deals with all things to do with the projecting system.  The film showing wouldn’t work without him and Derek Smith, both of whom understand the occasionally temperamental projection equipment. Carrie Wade, Jane Clark and Sue Hilton all offer a welcome on the admissions desk.  We said farewell to Fiona Marwick and her sons as caterers, and welcome Heather Bayliss who has taken over that role.

Last and importantly, sincere thanks to the Viewing Panel who have watched many films over the year and have offered their views on the good and the less suitable, allowing us to select the best of all for the Society. As well as Paul and Jane Clark, Sue and David Hilton and Derek Smith, the Viewing Panel also consists of Colin Davison, Mike Spice, Peter O’Sullivan and Monica Janssens.  You will have probably noticed that a number of current films are now well over two hours long so that we struggle with our choice of films, so far rejecting films that are well over that length.  However, we plan to show at least one long film this coming season with a break part way through, and an earlier start; you can report on the experience. We do take note of all the comments we receive.

There have been a few changes to the Society over the year, most notably the introduction of post-film discussions (with optional glass of wine or soft drink). These have been both enjoyable and informative, as we talk through the meaning and implications of the films. The discussions will continue as a regular feature. We are also planning to offer a card reader for payment for drinks and ultimately an option for membership payment (although the usual payment for our annual membership by BACS, cheque or cash will continue at present). And, as mentioned above, we will ‘experiment’ with how to show longer films while maintaining the comfort of our viewers.

Thank you all for being supportive of Winchcombe Film Society, we hope you will continue to enjoy the films that we show.

Margaret Reid

Chair, Winchcombe Film Society