
As one of the four guiding pillars of our mission, CCP is committed to community. If you ask anyone in the congregation why they keep coming back week after week, you’ll probably hear something that sounds like this:
“It’s the community.” 
“I love this community.” 
“This community is my home.” 
Even folks who moved away years ago say, “CCP is still my community.”

At CCP, community looks like praying together, playing together, caring together and serving together. What it feels like is best expressed in our Vision Statement

“Every person who gathers here is filled with a sense of belonging. 
Here everyone speaks the language of Love and can say with conviction:
‘In this place, I am seen and known. I am held and loved.
This is my home’.”

Pastoral Care, from both our pastor and our deacons, is central to our community —and so are the many other ways we care for one another and come together in community. These include:

Parish Pot Lucks

Morning Meditation Groups