Write For Us

You came across our blog and found out that there is a topic we haven’t covered yet? Then we are looking forward to hearing from you. Send us an email with your idea and once we come back to you, you can start your article.

What we like to see:

We love to hear from other Continentals and your experiences from emigrating to Scotland. That can be anything from finding grocery gems to everyday life experiences. If you are from Scotland or anywhere else you can still write for us, we are always curious about thoughts from your side, especially when it comes to the location section of our blog.

What we rather don’t want to see:

Articles that generally don’t have any value to our site. We know what link building means, and it’s fairly important to us, too. However, we won’t accept guest articles that have nothing to do with the topics of our blog or are poorly written. We love genuine articles on our site that our readers benefit from and that haven’t been published anywhere else yet. Please only send us articles if you actually know the stuff you are writing about.

Contact us:

If you have an idea for our blog or want to get in touch for something else, send us an email to continentalsinscotland@gmail.com.