Somatic Psychotherapy

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Free Britney: Stronger than Yesterday

Beyond glossy tabloids and sensational pop music, #FreeBritney is the tremulous battle for the soul of America’s daughters. Along with her voice, America’s battered sweetheart raises a timeless question regarding forced care (institutionalization), reproductive rights, and freedom. And so much more. She is the abused. Downtrodden. Outcast and shamed. The post-partum mother whose perfection stumbled. … Continue reading Free Britney: Stronger than Yesterday

Rainbow’s End

Last week I drove into a rainbow, and it has changed my life. Winding along the fertile hills of the central California coast, I was a mess. Headed home after another intense and transformative session at Pacifica Graduate Institute (psychotherapy), the first fingers of dread were fastening in: the pandemic was here. Struggling to breathe … Continue reading Rainbow’s End

The Sacred No

As winter’s inky darkness enfolds each hurried day, and we near the longest night of the year, I sit and encounter the sacredness of “no”. In a season and world in which over-extension is the norm, the badge upon which our success is mounted, I rediscover my power in consciously choosing otherwise. Though technology’s pull … Continue reading The Sacred No

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