Some of the animals you will view from the Pilot’s Cabin Viewing Deck


The common eland is an antelope. Its scientific name is Taurotragus oryx. It lives in Savannah and plains in East and Southern Africa. However, it is found in large numbers on the “middle” and foothills of the Drakensberg mountains. Its species is the Bovidae, and its genus is Taurotragus.  An adult male averages 1.6 metres in height. Females are about 20cm shorter.  Eland and can weigh as much as 942 kg. It is the second largest antelope in the world, being slightly smaller on average than the giant eland.

It is predominantly a herbivore and mainly eats grasses and leaves. |They can form herds of up to 500 animals but are not territorial. The common eland avoids dense forests. It uses loud barks, visual and postural movements to communicate and warn others of danger.


The springbok is a medium-sized antelope. Its Scientific name is Antidorcas marsupialisSpringbok are mainly found in southern and southwestern Africa. It is the only member of the genus Antidorcas. It is also a bovid. There are three subspecies. A slender, long-legged antelope, reaches 86 cm at the shoulder and weighs between 27 and 42 kg. Both genders have a pair of black, 35-to-50 cm long horns that curve backwards. The springbok is characterised by a white face, a dark stripe running from the eyes to the mouth, a light-brown coat marked by a reddish-brown stripe that runs from the upper foreleg to the buttocks across the flanks and a white rump flap.

Active mainly at dawn and dusk, springbok form harems (mixed-sex herds). In earlier times, springbok of the Kalahari desert and the Karoo migrated in large numbers across the countryside. A feature unique to the springbok is pronking, in which the springbok performs multiple leaps into the air, up to 2 m above the ground, in a stiff-legged posture, with the back bowed and the white flap lifted. Primarily a browser, the springbok feeds on shrubs and succulents; this antelope can live without drinking water for years, meeting its requirements through eating succulent vegetation. Breeding takes place year-round, and peaks in the rainy season when forage is most abundant. A single calf is born after a five- to six-month-long pregnancy; weaning occurs at nearly six months of age, and the calf leaves its mother a few months later.

Springbok inhabit the dry areas of south and southwestern Africa.





Red Hartebees