Coleção Política Fiscal e Desenvolvimento

Trata-se do conjunto de trabalhos elaborados durante o pós-doutorado no Center for Latin American Studies na Stanford University entre Setembro/2009 a Agosto/2010.

Fiscal Policy and Development in Brazil: a Policy Oriented Approach
Política Fiscal e Desenvolvimento no Brazil: uma Abordagem Político-Orientada)
Pedro Jucá Maciel presents new perspectives of Brazilian Economy, Brazilian development agenda (challenges): inequality, poverty, education, health, environment and violence. It discusses the role of Brazilian State in its Development, trends of fiscal policy and the scope of this research proposal: allocation, effectiveness and efficiency of public programs. This presentation introduces the concept of “policy-oriented approach”, the way to organize ideas/research in order to make it more effective (increase chances) to be implemented by the government.

Education System and Fiscal Policy in Brazil
(Sistema Educational e Política Fiscal no Brazil)
Education is the first government “sector” analyzed in this research. Pedro Jucá Maciel shows the role of education in the development agenda in Brazil. How Brazilian public sector has allocated its resources among education and other sectors and within education sectors (preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary). This work analyzes problems/challenges that preschool, primary and secondary systems face and also studies the tertiary education system (players, market, indicators and problems). The last part presents policy recommendations for this public sector.

Health Care, Development and Fiscal Policy in Brazil
(Saude Publica, Desenvolvimento e Politica Fiscal no Brasil)
This work aims to explore the relationship of Brazilian Health Care, Development and Fiscal Policy and a positive agenda for this Sector. First, It analyzes the role of health care in the development, recent data and new perspectives for the Brazilian health care policies. This work also studies how Brazilian Public Sector has allocated its resources for health care, main players, Unified Health Care System (SUS) and Hospital Sector performance in Brazil. The last part addresses policy recommendations for the Brazilian Health Care System.

Social Security in Brazil: Importance, Problems and Reform Agenda
(Previdência Social no Brasil: Importância, Problemas e Agenda de Reformas)
Social Security is by far the largest spending component of the Brazilian Public Sector. Social security became an important issue due to IBGE Demographic Review showing that the Brazilian population is getting old fast and it will have the same profile as European societies in 2040. Fact is, Brazil is spending a lot in the Social Security System and we still have generous retirement and pensions rules compared to other countries. This study analyzes the spending profile and rules of both General and the Public Sector Social Security Systems. Policy recommendations are proposed in the last chapter.

Defesa e Política Fiscal no Brasil
(Defense and Fiscal Policy in Brazil)
A Defesa brasileira tem o décimo primeiro maior orçamento do mundo e representa o terceiro ministério do Governo Federal em termos de orçamento. Este trabalho analisa a política de defesa brasileira, o ambiente internacional de segurança, o perfil das despesas, gestão patrimonial e sua indústria. Observa-se que o montante de gasto em Defesa no brasil é compatível com os demais países vizinhos da América Latina, porém o perfil do gasto (com mais de 50% das despesas com aposentados e pensionistas) não está consonância com as tendências modernas do setor militar, onde a tecnologia é uma questão crucial. São propostas medidas que abrem espaço para uma melhoria do perfil do gasto, além de propostas de reformas administrativas e a discussão de diretrizes para a indústria de defesa no Brasil.