
  • Ep – 19

    The resolve was incredulous, their repertoire were nullified, they aged the teat to encourage further the conservation, rounding in sate plates of offers, the lone tea swept left the room unanswered for, mine or for mind, those vestibular inductions carried the hand picked drums, aplenty a elephant roomed there dockyards. Spice or tea, they arrived with ocular cheeks of rose, the somatic creates drifted emptied to the east, they dislodged my standing on hardwoods, the prepaid create, provided to the afternoon, or the hours reclined for settling, they attach strings. The hostile wind through serenity, nana and her drumming westerly conversation, brought life to Samuel, they dwelled once, finding sovereignty was cargo in bay leaf retention, favour by Giesha mouse, thoughtful handpicked leaves, carried to by the rounding bitter, just the way, out of Samuels breach.

    They curtailed in prosperity, only to have land values increase the workload, in advent time, industry created a spontaneous shelve, made to by surplus energies, screenshots the instamatic three day week. Samuel outsourced the banker, the weekend paid for by an extra advert, those days shortly becoming to entertainment or ceremony. The curb resided with nanas conversate, we learnt knowingly to introspect the thoughtful, once to the threshold, they are seen to by the invasive tea, speculation another pricipality offered upkeep, the defining trademark sipped or gulp a lease on overtime. Garaged in sworn in swearing, those jackets, and how to wear compliments, they abreivate to the kangaroos fob watch, she knight those words in plagiarism, the only way we could hear in on the conservation.

    Delineated time was the onset of the company she arose to, spoke in brief about speaking, your need to not know the handwriting, the koala asked Ken about the reappearance of gestures, the refrained hardwood patches, bled with sundry mined eyes. It was just easier to forget, then believe what another should think, should i rethink myself agreeing with him, agreeing to hold you responsible for my love of writing those words you hear at once, you’re not here. Ken koala journaled those spices, as the jetsam found our curbside contender, patronage to those about us, if by imports found to the right siding, exports are founding there lies, dissolving in occupational ties.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 18

    Editing volume greater than an essential amount, prevalent to the sensory visual occupies, synoptic patters of mass. The agent descriptive of nurture, summarised the preventive incline, one escarpment to another, the editing coffees recluse to distance, times travel, perception of a visionary frequent, resulting from coco beans of aromatic conception. They did not meet the fledgling consumer, augmented in a decided pocket, structural compacities to identify whom was the neediest cup. The mounting evidence paraphrased in distorting culpable landfill, had those energies filter the recourse, a cordoned slide of visuals physicality. The slide of patronage meet the conveyor of sound health.

    Winter arrived in exult for another transaction, snow fell as the sunset barely arose without trending to the occupational distances, vendors piecemeal, a wifi turret of seclusion for the edifice, redressing Stonehenge a place of compatibility. Monolithic hands of time, they withdrew their ceiling of a starry veil, should pagan or rite, have conductively hallowed the shallowing market, an active pillars soliloquy in syllogism, taut or fragrant, the volume was exceeding the ceiling, fell to quantify those seasonal departures.

    Those fares travelled smite in contributing discovery, four-hundred were metered out in global patronage, it didn’t attain to symbolic cartels, word’s were fashion, studious as the fallen snow; apparel netted assistance, facial recognition to a covert assimilation. The future forwarded a shallow imprint, those pending words corrected for a sovereign transfer, lusts compendium, inducive for interacting youth or reacting warmth; the meter of memoir showing to the resistance of capitulating the age of generational displacement. As they sanitized the lightly selective, the cuppa, once upheld for matriarch, disorder in manifest, those times they are a changing, the physicality of remembrance, challenges the spite on aligning time with sociology.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 16

    Choose inclining climes, to metric in abundance, factual in another timeline, corridors to replenish store. Cast was included with the resolving works of artistic endeavours, berries or the season with grains, the same wall held to the everlasting drone, framed in ink and shelved by the fashionable tones. Two reds one blue, a distant painting dissolved, flagrantly once in colour, the compromise were shadowing the bountiful rest, framing in the textural flavours one colour to remedy the personal attributes one conceives as belonging through disarming confliction. Our tenure to expand formalities, betrothed to eon, the flesh of the recovering page, two lines of timeless shading, procuring the sound of light. Balances rich in contrasts, piqued summaries the fictional Samuel redressed his landscapes, apertures the directional earth, expedient coverages the remissible language folded vestures, retail limits the homogenous traffic, congestion fired patronage, a visible singular shaded the recovery price.

    They noted Ken to magenta leaves, koalas see into the respite of bracken and Ken koala occupied their thoughts, dreams are heard throughout these climes, shedding bracken, shedding branch. The wall flickered as if the artist has two paints, one colour drifted to the coffee, there the spirit light wrote infinite occasions, replicating in voice. Samuels vest was tunic and thorn, over threading him visually prone to replication, the standard fuel burnt the symbolic colour a higher Senate, they clothed his visitation, as the warmth reclined to age the salient outline. Abundance one colour more. Ken left the painting to revive the magenta night, Samuel loaned supportive solitude, those words mentioned, fashioned too another place in foundation, orange arteries are skeletal passengers, founding the equivalent way to views in monochrome displacement, Paris fell the trusses, framing in the only conclusion, as Samuel redeployed his holster.

    The sky were in disguise of Nanas sister, winter intervened with abreast colour, the fell needed reporting, should nurture or suture need extracting, coding came early to the final production, the chair decides a wavier of contention, seating for the servitude made redundant. Geisha mouse reappeared the previous years end, in contrast to the theatre, the droll framework was chambered to restoration, the residing Koala reeled those eons, pines were introduced the following year, shipment inland founded a suitable tailor, they coordinated open fashions. The acknowledgement wrote: display of the artistic endeavours are inviting the encompassed spatial, a three bedroom house, bath, stove for hearth, one years supply of valiance, cushioned stayovers and contours of orange paint.

    The valued pint repaid, the landscape with mediation, fait occupation becoming of state welfare, those generationally displaced practitioners were disarmed by excessive tutorage, warmongering the fearful anxious expedient fashion design, tutelage the canvassed audience, staged the seasonal patronage void of comprehending interactive application. Ruins of patronage replaced the voice of colour, mingling with those infinite patients, credentials surpassing the destruction of renewal, ambition in recourse of propriety, lesser the disarming equality by manufactured infrastructures, the very self worth seen through inhuman conduction, seeding the planet with eon and intrinsic inertial inheritance.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 17

    Desist the coffee remain aromatic, my cup one of java noteworthy, remained for the unclassified franchise, they choose cup over rebellion, they glow with ignition. Remarkable their eternity sequesters a nuclei of fusion, the very realm required for reappearance, atomic catalysts the microwaves of one mice, the chlorophyll seeded in mouse life, then energies of a temporal fusion, extracting interacting computations, they seized the millenniums internal calculate, with a coexist analogue of format, timing in weightless energy, binary to the fall of generational Two, one thousand the more they alighted, free spirited a co pilot, infinite spacetime should replicate them a very increment of patchwork ornament.

    Caretakers are you of divided time, the service proviso in suggested nutrients; cup one coffee, we all share, later those intakes, refuelling our expedience, capital pastries with patchwork ornamentation, very suffice would the peels of branchless those baring a seasonal shelf. Space in accordance metric ages of the ruminant pastures a thrill to congest those seedless hoppers, align with oceans a see, abundance you and i the replated fixtures, fuelling us a replenish of wishes. Stardom works the binary glucose, hearth our bakery sufficient, gloss the appetite with autocorrect seeds of bushes or make the reminders a enterprise of select berries, calculate the time provided, stock repatriation the congestion needless those incumbent of thoughts.

    Solitude burnt the warfare, the territory masked those reapplying wellbeing, locality the prosperous introspection, destruction of a catalyst made inclusive by interim coercion, internal cohesion of enabled destitution, shapeshifting a familiar attire for the rotational expedience of a princely summation, congestive or retrospective, the earth salient of plentiful dilation. Two factions of remedies, gluttony reduces a shifting authority, one reprimanded with exile as the profited welfare is shaped in governance, the concluding factoring in the maze one redefines exclusive by default, the jitter of welfares affirmation, the burnt destruction of capitulating the acceptance of captivity, thwart by the toxicity of national discourse.

    The hours surpassed grace, those more the less juxtaposed their returning hearth, a genuine recall of energies, they updated the millennial nutrition, a exercise in formality, capital saving a gratitude, the very intrinsic affirmation. What you don’t have, isn’t that you don’t have to energy a reshare, it’s we accordance those familiar with acceptance, love, the provisional time withheld, bond with our planetary attributes, those sold by contributing the lesser valued wares, a earth responding displacement, contributary by empirical fortification.

    Geisha mouse rounded the firstly cocktails, muds of salty caramel, cordial to the spoken of return for cups by the founding coffees. Delicious pinks of a print of charred biscuit, savoury bit sized whispers the fortunate plater a contender of seized bite safe returns. Two courses of cheeses, replenishing the first. Monument a sacred earth her rounding thoroughfare, crusts or bun’s, Yorkshire pudding out paced the time we remembered those firstly mice were weighted by patronage, physiology updated there inclining threshold, they held to the carvery, one combustion of fusion, cellularly spaced for reaffirming our land belongs the ethereal time we keep to hours, to be-love a indifferent inherit.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • My writing

    Epistle I

    Decay wasn’t regenerative for the afore mentioned epistle, the episodic handwriting nurtured to the prosaic publications, recall of a italic solitude made all to aware. The artists impressionistic world documented by impersonate replicating, founding to those sort after imperfections, reliant on the love for adolescences, procurement to indoctrinate a physical world of interacting, practical reasoning shun to the reserve of breaching awareness. Those thoughts othered in a descriptive digest of replicating to machinations or trading in on the intemperate fool. Wrote those words after my house division, homeless to the revolution, he recapped my impending travel, booking in demise of a proletariat hardcover, those fascists only had time on their hands. On the other hand playing conservative patronage. Lonely as the poetic postscript, they democratically improved my slight of hand, made to with the encourage of making war seamless, built the depository in plain sight of ideals and princely arbitrary fashions.

    The war last the fabrication, the roof was extracted, and of little importance, today the stoic chisel remains embedded to the founding occupant. Reaped from the freewheel ergonomic chairperson, reward were those mess hall, bitcoms. They hadn’t my words, independent shiver had posited the intermittent transcript or the renewal, forwarding humbug proletariat executions, we remained silent until intervening his grace.

    Built Paris in the fall of one millennial, studios occurrences abated the prismatic yule, my kid brother were sent to the frontline, same year, arguing with the generals daughter. Received the telegram and met him halfway with my chaise lounge, it were irremissible knowledge, the author new about reciprocals, kept them too close for an attainable steward, his word against fabricating history!

    You’re the timeline: Reason remain his answers until our grace supported the apertures of hypocrisy, thirdly by achievement; nutrition the Shakespearian boarder, who wrote a postcard from their daughter, she never had. The mind’s a glorious subject when preformed without schism, my order were self absorption, came at a vocal price, intuition was how my destitution was displayed. 

    The earth classified a sacred realm, devote to many intellectual a property, geisha mouse had reappeared in binary format, those winters became the transposed years. Deceleration were prioritized, community welfare seemed the minimalists solution, disarming to serene the authority by authority, weeping in propriety they platformed the upcoming poetry or the poet you needed. 

    The repairs were not thought of, the academia were fledgling, they resented my recommendations to late, noted his adolescence needed substance, like the apostil they refuted in translation. Preservation was the recommended outcry, and tutorially she became a princess, the revolution were over, we ate, not to be victim, drank the tea she so desired.

    Epistle II

    Observations to the occurrent realm, the awoke parleyed with affirmations of provision. Skeletal dust settled on the motor neurone exemplar, the ocean swelled an unfathomable fathom, disappearance came to the hidden in practicality. The war recycled inward; knowledge was mine, lumbered to the outlet, resource by the surrounding documentations, the echo lifted, my security clearance were the reoccurring neckties, sold in underground fashion. 

    It had produced the very outcry, i had resolved to, those words rebounded in intellectual solitude, they asked no lies, to remind, inconvenient truths hindered solidarity. Sentimentality remain the conceived brotherhood; displayed no intellectual property, neckties of discard, they introduced the fascism, well documented alike, spoken of matriculation, recommended franchises, my clever you attain witness too. 

    Adaption came to his welfare, produced the transitions for copyrighters, social equality, the curb resided in exploration, depression surpasses dusty ruins, monumental coverage to our captive historian, or polarity. They presided over the outcome, earth was to rewarding to motion in resilience, locality by placement, moved the notion of grace forward, nuclei ties those armistice minds, the fretful of the unspoken. 

    A wreath laid to the upcoming power point presentation, Geisha mouse acclaimed to their outsourced renewal, pending a proviso for familiarity. Wrote the words italic, signatures impression of intellectual property, they refrained from omittance. The weal was acute, those tabled talks were the assimilated prescription, solitude, rain and the experience that philosophy recruits. Placed the wreath by grace and soul, substituted with social vernacular, spoilers the removal of road causes no display, optimal illusions out the forecasting steward, social reform or capitalistic failures. 

    My love for a matriarchal desire were the very thought of them, renewal by a love incentive of considering fashion, they remained the adulation of thought, inviting to the preceded a splice of empirical welfare, should they exchange gratitude. The consummation brightly shone deep in reflection, a clerical espouse, to the princess in making, wrote in italic return, acceptance is the world with love, with revision making less of our qualifications.

    It was Tuesday, my return from the land, Shakespeare’s sister and I declared with a kindred visitation, had the kid agreed. There was the state of ill repair, they were the spectators of the climate that a nation evolved through. Euro decree of bourgeoisie spirits, the elitist of cargo non de plume patronage. Be culpable youth of climes: took his first socialist movement.

    Epistle III

    They fashioned Knickerbockers turn, the Cornwall catalogued geologist, cycled hegemony by the vendors burrow: had the freewheel understudy found Portuguese Doubloons, lost to the fenders lasting realty; stolen the remittance of fabricating the entry, the very vessel to castaway a frisson compatriot. Docked in ties of knickerbocker thrift, the rhododendrons cost of milk or thistle. As Laudanum remunerated their host, the embassies home of a clerical syndrome, impersonate clay matrimony, raftered the imperial record, documenting his personal cart, it was fought over by the very parliament that a kings land, had not the deeds to entitles.

    The wheel gloved the rabbit to the memorial, that disarmed the occupation of his social disquiet, their trailed an eroded my cyanotype ilk, programmers of depressions acquittal. Absorption prolonged my estimation of trivial wishes, the nee wrote his worn to, amended where them vigilant stores of magazine and sawdust boards quoted, in bells of spearmint. Assisted by the climb to the motor carriage, federation was then, fencing to ground biscuits of an exit wound, habitually combed the seeded recruit, stale sounded by the game. 

    Current and shells, quoted to an all speedy consumption, vendors desert, geisha mouse had prolonged my acquittal, the burial rites – a photo of misplaced memoir, poets comma, privileged for the recycled displacement. Phonics came the previous, year. We were K to M. Fridges magnetic out preformed Shakespeare’s sister, the imagery were repaid for by social-reform, reread the verbs, addendum. To to can if they flight the record if of migration. Those ashen clouds bur the final instalment, mastered those crafts and apostle, they chain reacted in a staccato resumption.

    Housed the financed beta blocks, truancy vowed the escarpment could prevail, regal letters made their names misheard, built the following future in a cardless decade. She was my thirsty pronoun, and reworked the following two, a matrimony of public holidays; social cohere, disarmed the bright side, questioned our reactionary, explanation was the grievance of singularity. 

    Familiarity was not to fail the escarpment, built the boat shed next door, his apocryphal win-fall, they consumed song, gesticulating martyrs, the card game recommenced. The occasion had an occasion, those words out numbered the weather report, they walked the starry night, spoke little of small things, love was a benefit they had not lost or achieved too. Sliders were shortly adhered to, we returned the backyard to them, in question, and damned the wall of silence.

    Challenged the channel, by domesticity, geisha mouse had alleviate my winning, out preformed truancy, it was to late, they wrote inconceivable questions, they did not know. The strictures of a cultural understudy, to a work of altruistic affability, the price was right, the stolen princess placed them ashes next to geisha mouse, a heavy cost to the social welfare, evening the affectual display once provided in ephemeral recollection.

    Epistle IV

    Geisha Mouse and I have a slice of timely winter, the introverted world, temporal to the creative escarpment, fissures of composite time. Infant tresses branches to the thoroughfare of esteem, pointless to the exposure of foundation, they infinitely refute a brotherly ideology, everyone has one. Cast the cool climate-clarity, abundant expressionistic wares, fashioned to a melody inclined to graduated pearls, imperfection forwarded to have an to vale with Shakespeare’s sister. Wrote to a whim, succeeded by surpassing the count, one isn’t less, unless one counts to the nomenclature of distance. 

    Poetry word’s yourself abundant, you save self, reliant for more accreditation. Spring as beautiful, when those flowers are left for Autumns disclosure, as you have the example in reflecting stream. Deconstruction calculates the exposure, you have before my countenance, see the inversion to climb a combatant year, adolescence is spoken of, reliant on finding a gratitude to a graceful brother, you never spoke of. 

    Remembrance is disarming the courage gifted of you, finding inequality as the bereavement to contemplation surpasses the distance. Shakespeare’s WiFi is nearer the youth of his combatant soul, my recollect of him in recollecting our world, an impostor for your privilege. The very estate made possible by captivating, a marital princess, your Queen’s second land. 

    The world minded to a non de plume patronage, as the language propagated a surpassing rendition, social escorts, chambers of weed and numerical prisms, she booked in unaware of hard currency. Plagiarism allied to have withstood the scoured earth, gemology was my curious fascination, sounded out by a capital stayover, the world reappeared thoughtful. She were not to cry, they only fret to reapply solitude, the innocuous midnight hour swallowed the evening stars, a brother of patronage aged to his futures dreams. 

    Winter lasted those warm wares of knitting, the stayover decayed a tenth of her occupation, they composited their outsourced time of fondly gems, apparel to a lustful conscience. The conjecting contact made him factious to conjuring up explanations, then the metrics recovered his thought, pattered, symbolic, myopic renders. There was no injustice, reward came by the princely sum of interjection, more the validation, showing the intermit loss of familiarity.

    Epistle V

    Geisha mouse, studio five, demonstrated the very fiscal allowance for eternal youth. Recovery neck ties, instituted the rounding affability, mediocrity contain all the recommendations of existence; fodder the fashion of winter’s sister, letters to the silk road, and Nepal’s cat watch. The catch was my insistence to recommend folly by fail, to rebuild in inherent betrothment, an manufacture the distance they were about to betray. To relive their livelihood, familiar to presenting a future bound by a idolatry, Geisha mouse did not shape to their removal, the very timeline, denying there spectrum of well-being. 

    The courtship become sanitised to egalitarian welfare, they acknowledged with restraint, production were the very time they had invested in readvising the singularity of a wealth. Their proviso became my existence, swept the pools at the academy, their timeline had been screened in acceptance popcorn, inviting the mediocrity to my symbolic welfare, the war resumed without a locality of response. 

    The title pages no meaning, those word’s, they read many booklets by the handful, curious names of itemizing studio five; we love the wintery skies, shelter is a kindred spirt, chimera is the baseless fools gold, affirmation on monetarised our selected visionary. Carbon isn’t collected unless warm night airs are priority, shelved the rentals land my responsibility, wagered the homeless manufacturers, a city of intellectual property, resold on the affable table. His insistence of oligarch and chimera, the residing chairperson, guttural to the affirming winter, built the rescue story to rebuild Nepals upkeep. 

    Those words dissolved my tongue, a word I hadn’t used from spite, my adolescence did not qualify them, the shawls remittent auxiliary, brought the seasons to an end, Winter’s words were to the shallow aging grace. Brothers placing, to the daughter he remember having, a sister to the very sentence you claimed impenetrable, those words wager, resided to, buildings of ‘studio five’, the impending entitles, awash with a love for another historian. 

    They heavy handed the spider a redback, shale splayed to ground the effervescent purr, those flowers came swollen with silvery cinnamon. Compilation mapped to have love for another placement, the flower, to reside in conversions of temporal eternity, corollary exemplar of a lusty posey, fragments of golden ailment, those prints lasted the game, we were recovery beings of torment.

    Cinnamon was reminded to have gifted, in chase of afterthoughts, they ate the ageless shale platters, we drove to the nearest vendor, recalled how our lies did not shape out the silvery wrapper, could only have one, if they awoke. Tasted of gratuitous hunger, the expulsing soldier unarmed his intentions, recollected there were no charge, the night played many unmatched words. They offered after my meagre exposure to alight, gifted them you, seeing the damage of tasting cinnamon, cloves or the rasping plight of interjection.

    The roomy hall, hallowed to entries where I were to protest, winter made by the historians conscription; it had a place forgone, to remote those pending, saturated syringe viable, depressions the paint of decibels felled. The rounding plate contoured those missing years, the kids livery to a heiress, winters solitude to my caressing effervescent cavernous creator, Sanskrit wrote to my prescript, describing to the letters of intent.

    Epistle Six

    The deportment placed to another rounding caretaker, six word’s demanding to a homogeneous remark, those gems remembered to trade in on genealogy, flickered them by retaining the port of destination. The rifle were to be exclaimed in documentations, geisha mouse wrote on his behalf, the bailment whispered its due by date, declaration founded a earthly incumbent latitude, disarmed the seventh epistle. Built the fencing longitude, made redundant by land fall and pastural tenure, mapping to the enclosure, a brief Terra Firma made to, by opposing husbandry, one by pastural the other, an unofficial capital ranger.

    Those rangers were inaccurate, to the saddled copywriters rider, gold had no fiat currency, it reflected on their travellers wagon, stagecoach class, the ministerial codes were stockpersons, they tutorially guild. The wetnurses conveyed there story time, occupational lands of indebted humanities, procedures were to outlast the the recoiling hardship, depressions inclination toward rebuilding churches of patronage. The shipment stated no entitlements, the ranges, freehold to supersede infirmary, they quietly knighted their kin, fostered a seafaring return of gold. 

    On the marketplace, hand planes to shire inlets of post drawn colonial carts, the introduction of a shared accommodation, the recommend of a affluent signage. Post induction a sharpshooter, the market placed no return by his repeated recoil, the costly life of a balanced inherent, they drove the rabbit to the fielding proxy, an ask was articulated for the fauna, the rabbits tenure as landfall, remained to a dramatic clergy, the envelope denied a plausible bibliophile a letter of intention, they refuted a referendum, to the Monsieur a token third social movement.

    Alacrity enveloped the standby commuter, the clergies tokens were relived, wafer and stain, they tagged Samuel Rabbit to the impending lands, a nutritional authority the Monsieur increased assurances, geisha mouse wouldn’t count. They subdivide the fencing a priority, enlisted those armaments to winter, our hearth, chocolate-milk was first stage priority, withheld by Samuel’s measures, the music danced in attuning season; geisha mouse were implicated by their reconstructing numbers, those binary of prime numbers, those numerals to space and time.

    Binary in time, Geisha mouse were ever to have attained the symmetrical balance of inheritance, they recount their symbolic assemblance through imposing time has the loupe of a binary count too primary numerals. The pending Earth cratered a substantial intermittence, the secondary inclusion fore hearth, Geisha mouse, including those appalling words, the sentence chided a speaker the fortuitous answer, the leading question could not reply.

    Epistle VII

    You have captive of Geisha mouse, we are your perennial code of resistance, reliant by the vault of time. Appearances you achieve, exemplified by the world of importance, creativity has you a connective combatant of sign, visuals conclusive are temporal to a sensory self autonomously. Residing with intention, singular of thought or passivity, there belongs the interactively conclude to a sustainable exchange of reappearance, thirdly the inclusion to a benefiting other, exchanging a confidential emotive, the reward viable to solitude another in resemblance. The very contrast to captive a self worth, being the original gratitude to receive in a compensatory fashion, the external reward for your aesthetic appearances, they are unique for the time in displacement, forwarding an ethereal interaction of your creativity and another whom reward in their creativity.

    A slice of compassion, saves the ridicule of an inept comparison, ego or the interacting behalf of nurture, has the weight of reply, selective to the conclusion, replicating in a suggestive could redefine a finite emotion, exclusion of the acceptance to the creative process. Imperfection is continuum, those fault lines have to the solitude, a resemblance of mind, our interjection toward indifference, the ego, to achieve in a compatible sensory to disarm the unqualified harm of experience through the personification of interjection. The reliance of a third sensory, unqualified autonomy, neglect to reward the reward of consistency, hypersensitivity through regression of displacement, a conductive that has rewarded the self, without thought forwarded to the construction of compassion.

    The lining has clouded over, geisha mouse inimical of emotive reliance, reconstructs their time sequestering the liabilities of persecution, the squalor of representing those demeaning in attribution to realign time a forgone conclusion, the impasse of restorative creativity. Aligning to the products desired for, reliance the credibility of responsible accreditation, the institute of acknowledgement, the foundation required by insincerity, or present being, locative with bias compute, residence to account for cohabitation, the constitute a third introspection, myself reviewed.

    There lies the attribution we are equivalent, the static continuum of visuals equates to once, to expose or necessitate permission, the world beyond excluding the interact of replacement. Their lies age, the history remarked by reflect between a violate of indulgent displace, marketable wishes are the location to an achievable equality, love entwined with prosperity. Collapses attribute to regard you the destination of one, being another worldly self imposed of by contributions, continuum is our contribute to ease the satisfying locate to benefit the upkeep in your realm.

    We withdraw our love for one, many the connective inclusion, restates compatible dilate, exposure has regress of visual atonement, reflectivity mimics the properties attributed to us, or the necessitate of permission. Love is returned by the confirmation in exchanging trust, you the saliant admiring body, to validate the reappearance one has to manifold, correct time lies the including future, wishes you near, visualises attributes you are sincerity by acceptance.

    Ep- 8

    Winter was the season they infirmed his depleted skies, the balance had chartered renewal, had Nepals cat ran the magazine for collective thoughts, tracing incoming institution, built the distance between geisha mouse and those symbols you maestro. The arrivals address, felt no returning exchange, property was a division of renewable grammar, the time healing manufactures were realm to the holistic rain gauge, they remind the winter leaves are spaced with capital remedies, invitations he allotted by the absolute pluralistic escarpment. Silence plateaued the world incorrect, a visual scene by echoing walls of precipitously dissolving the moment, his skies, evaporating to the renewal of winter, sisters cursive annulment rewarded, the ledger dated my removal. With those consensual worlds made the first edition, replies are the worth of your alternative narration, placing the rhetoric before censorship. 

    The property divided a time framing junction, insistence came to the symbolic rain-gauge, framing those suppliers, her world against the export of intuition, two ceilings a cellar, capital walls doored the removal of infrastructure. Traded in on renewal, the generic sounded heavy molecular vision, built the economy to last the magazine, properties became the contextual environment of numerical metrics, save were the intellectual copies, forwarding the hard copy a institute of depleted skies, winter covered the song a stream of retention. They capitalized the infirm writer an additional entry, forwarding to the release of enterprising, the cover page with a informative indoctrination, whereabouts, descriptive photo language, renewable forecasting climes of exclamation weather, past, present an configuration. 

    You have substantial longing, the wistful interjection were a repatriation of solitude, founding the bilingual cat narcissistic, named myself refuting hegemony, specialised arts you see. He told i to configure the ceiling an absolute, and abated the typewriter had need of fitted music, the player opposed too gratifying him a humanity of sobriety, contextual interchange bereft the rewarded photographer. He made the hood shallower by the years ending her future, wistful shapes played geisha mouse a monologue of winter, stars he wore them sleeveless, his heart violated by the one interjection a mason could pretext to, familiarity was my flaying him the retrospect of showing neglect. They had charge, evaporating skies dismissed him a patriarch, gossamer was to refill him heartless, a princesses vision silenced the solitude he were rewarded to. 

    The existence were brutal, documenting a decade of being withheld by a narcissistic plagiarist, depression fell heavy on, looking the heart shaped indentation a freefall about nomenclature, retold by my insistence to withhold freedom of expression. They opinion to voice my concern a voice registered above or void of recognition, the freedom you have to forward your demise, the repository hosts many a spectre, you should know this world, earth became the imbalance of homogeny, she answered no lies, assistance is opinion of opportunity. The liar implied you our despair for ordinance, the congenial brother you fitted those words to, estranged as you see the morning star, fatigue the acceptance spectators, gems or ethics, withheld to the sovereign heart, pretence is rewarding to the whole entirety; gossamer or sovereignty, spiritual world a enterprise betaken, fashion the cohabit Samuel fort for. 

    The first edition, preoccupied the locative titles, the brief came with a linguistic sound visions, a magistrate could recognize the upheld briefing, party to the, then internal imagery. Our intelligence is to the rounded trigger, domain or submission, Samuel activated a nuclei transaction, imploding to unearth a imagery volume, one accounted for by regression of formality. The Earth shattered in photo scape welfare, obedience alleged the insistence of warfare undocumented to the allegation, arose in the form wintery skies, desertion came the occupied sovereignty, a magistrates first amendment, broken earth is a welfare of acceptance.  

    Ep – 9

    Extracting the plaintive wisdom of retrospect, engarde removed the enumerate, the writer spoke softly of destination, granules defacing timely coherence, the conduit housed a prologue in capital appreciation, they obeyed their hour to minute to glossary the index. The wisdom had shown no amount necessary for the insolvent numbers, reciprocated else of where, symbolic overtures, they resounded the missing stone. Repatriation inspired by unadulterated subscription magazine; recipes made indulgent, fashion secluded to the girl in vogue; her matrix articulation, knowing the freefallen, glossary numerals one or one more by the two of them, defeated they recount to the courageously beknown. Winter arrived, timing in the missing sleaves, held to by optical adherents, they age the very, as we age through the varied, counsel recommending dessert.

    Geisha mouse alighted the colour, a gemstone could only manufacture the refraction, an opaque stone of lapidary reduction, causation the oblique consolation drew shape to a nondescriptive whereabouts, you have less of thought, more the retrospect, facets our apprehending. Shapeshifting the light inward dissolving molecular reappearance, depository affirming solitude, made to the vernacular of being resourceful, the expenditures one has informative for one other. The prelude were sharing the biopic, heroic other, another copy of a voluntary cabal to restoration; built Paris in one millennial, they ground their resources for potential viability, estuaries, fjords, the partaking satellite industrious of spiritual affirmations.

    Spontaneous conjecture occurred in the reconstructed absolution, fitting to the wont, they district their enclosures with catalogued satellites, vendors of unapparelled notoriety, the sort after gems, they foster a unique gleam, storing the visible wonderous. We consider you may have them, opaque they are without truant colour, blissful to the pupil we are, manufactures in increase, as night befalls day befalls our courage to contemplate shared singularity, domain the presentation of industrious individuality, sheared fjords, constructs to familiar millennials. 

    Dreams they are housed conduit, the gem you suppose of is no gemstone, housed to the carbon, construct of being nature, remedied inherent to marvel contrition, the purveyor of external peace; eternal breaches us, lessoned to spiritual inequality. Carbon doomed us the existence of fatigue, expenditure of energy rewards the dilating oceans deep with thermal capacitance, you are winter, when the energy of disharmony reaches fatigue levels, earth is by definition, her accompanying detractors, swelling temperate terrain. Summer the fair you enjoy without wintery skies.

    The desserts are prior to your brother, him with latitude, allow the uneasy apparel to withhold and invite, the secluded restorative value of basket food’s, of peach and nectar, basted prisms, allocated perch, jawfish, or squid occupied with grains of dissolution. Capital clouds befall, before our princely summation, tier to the social fabric of fine tea or infinite high-noon, postulation the captivity of social concurrency, desire the very materialist deposit, embedded throughout social reform. Capital is the connective power to fare the destructive effectiveness of your student, aspirate associates, and windfall by their cabal oblique.

    Ep – 10

    Without parallels they have to not have, found my insistence, winter arose that morning disarming the oxford comma. Those somnolent eyes affix with disposition, adulated the wistful diamond, captive thoughtful exclusions the mind, wellbeing fought occupied lands, they out sourced Samuels buck, neither had the contrasting ambiguity, fell the monochrome snow. They sorry timely again with blackened angels, frailly eyes mismatches arrows in time, the index were 35 below, restorative planes made the stage in fashion, franchise hired hits, those degrees eqlipse adapt molecular gemstones, spiny pressures fast the fuel. They shoulder the inkwell canvas, baskets implored reports the past, accounting to the carnivorous freewheel, Samuel shot his first necktie, the painting mastered after they wrote code, the house balanced a meaningful word, shutter speed echoed a clove made bracelet. 

    The field finale coded extravert supple policies; wrote spatial lands, recluse to geisha mouse, insistence were or discovery, their voice recalled a distant exchange, prior had Samuel invented translatory infirmary, the advantage of familiar coexistence. The coded time remained conductive to resourced materials, they finite tradition with a facsimile to care the love procured, interaction seldom needed production, the very spoils they reside to, wisdom come perchance; volley contextual enterprises, shape the heart an exercise echoed in policy. Drawn to binary attractions, the heart will ever complete the world bound through fashion, to register the compelling dwell, fortifying substance, they insist the temperate fixtures remain conducive for shape, styles interacted, the binary of intrinsic climes, shelter for the temperate lands.

    Geisha Mouse, produced spatial autonomy, resided in sheltered augmentation, expanding in mastery procurement, able belongings of supple desires, the redressing casual personification, networking the partly social, to interact desired codes, practical influences the distant, carriage a volume for Samuel to recover. Substantial practicality partly aligned to policy the interacting party, a partial verbatim inclined the impaired volume subdued, time was a measurement, a cartridge twofold, encasing they the, residual vapour, save for brotherly love.

    Their introspection faded the light, two moons one of the benefits, of calculate metrics, affirming space has equivalent time to a manifold thought; seceding moon light, prevails emotive enterprises, fashioned boroughs recalled geisha mouse to fill a travel carriage divisive to partly reciprocal, expanding locality. Social recovery aplenty, they made the detonate, the aesthetic volumes, Samuel plated incoming photography, sold charity by the by, market hawkers, singular in travelled cartridge, they remain as the remedial plane remained.

    Ep – 11

    Our time rescheduled, made to the returning abode, resistance was describing pottery hats and the burnished deflection, of platitudes, of sutures in time, the unseen skull. The thought then was to have few, many composures, the redirected exit wound wouldn’t have survived Samuel’s depiction, sanguine cushions the carriage ride; an envelope without an address, as the voluminous eyes, they drew the light before succeeding thoroughfares, i could not rename the address. Sally mostly answered for her thoughts, we translated the connecting share-ride, the sunsets obese distances, recalling the night bled with salient dewdrops.

    Sally graduated to her misspent youth, reshared how those envelopes were readdressed incomplete, fiction fewer than many, disarming then camera, Samuel gather his wont, the exist wasn’t foreseen, the frailly recount of a suspended disarming, they had their vice. The careers removed his grace, they supported in a frequent unanswered-question, Sally became homeless by default, built Paris in one millennial, the office space, an analogue room for two, my heart become the one.

    Declared the spent cartridge void, Dr Grey and his daughters bought the surplus Sapphire, we returned Sally’s phone call, the paving returned in a reunion of staccato imprints, my brother retold his embrace, those questions replied at one page, two recorded interviews, the intellectual property was mine. Those bookends remined my return, justified or just plain arrogant, they said not a word: i said too remain ambitious, the room was empty of Sally, to to many words to rebuild the studio, sound proofing was a matrix discarded. Studio Five was unearthed, a role applied with indifference, the day our grace left his room. 

    The spiny Earth exposed those polar years, narration was to survive geisha mouse, slightly words filled the poetry bookends, classified as secondary paraphrases; confectionary for the secondary liability, numbers earning the tenth yearly story, disarmament in dogma, the brother of a identifying storage. Wishes making, proxy was overlaying the effervescent world an idiomatic language, abstaining accruement, aged to polar in those reports. Players of ninety-nine outsourced their compatibility, wistful composures freight to then supply for our dogma, the frailty of Samuel becoming remembered as vogue, compassionate for one, residual the supply of demonstrating for another.

    Geisha mouse disenfranchised, associate to the ineffectual language of inheritance, favoured resources are prone for the advantageous, symbolic repechages, the gathering contest to repatriate affability, rewards the soul, productive of casual intelligence: the effectual contentment overlays the residual provocation, supported through regression of substance; mailing out word’s, without mailing out their address, nocturnal supplementation. Samuel founded the buck irresistible, fortitude subsidised Sally, her lasting provocation, recounting inspiration needled the rasping deflect, of passive fornication, resemblance the defecting earshot, could not attain to.

    Ep – 12

    Geisha mouse replaces nuance of gender, those skilled in belated thoughts, merriment to adaptive imprints, their causal mindful solace reciprocated in our eternal solitude, the mistrust of there fabric, patronage to the external ages. The variance of conversion, salient a conversate in proximity, valued with comparably suggestive reunion, font exchanges aggrievement, exceling the nodes of recourse, homogenous thought adaptive interludes you suggestive in contentment. Hard drive or realigned challenging perceived occupation, they softly reflected to the void of compassions, incoming commitments represented myopic detailed remembrance through epoch, rendering vascular conscience the upkeep of formality.

    My gestured appearance was of their resolution, they embalmed sensory connectivity, realigning treacherously a puzzled ambrosia of salient wares of the impending spoken softly hardware, reciprocals we attentive a informal depository of concluding Paris did not answer to three courtships, Nepal’s cat, Samuel, or keeping invariable offerings of applicating, returning core temperate love for deity or wintery solutions. Could our mined vascular heart contend with foundry and execution, the distance of their silhouetted lives traversed.

    Paris left a detailed reservoir of virtue, they published holidays or remembrance; the one you retold to me, about a flight we missed, or that supposedly we missed never arriving. I said it was fate, and then we argue the moment fate takes place, you are forgotten, likely to never know the language we are inscribed too, those silvery girls over there you never saw them leaving a polite glance, or that catalogue we are binding to; the music to recorded textual provisos. You said all this will never exist casually, because you and I don’t concede, that become the softly spoken verb, that you see me gracious and at the approximant time, we left the silvery girls.

    The notation were infinity apprehending, the reality of prosperity overrated then complexity of coexistence, the one you know of is our prosperity, as they have the consideration of two, one of comparison, one of their shared thoughts, the one that we reside to, the comfort of experience. Love shared is love prospered, kindship is love in prosperity, the love resumed for equation, those interacting events we are our esteem palatable. The override connectivity is superficial for exacting time, you may record code or Java, trust them holding to a slumbered refuel; then Nepal’s cat on your road to node the embarking will request the appeasement, to instigate Samuel mind his esteemed nuance in equalising him a learned tutor.

    Ep – 13

    The studio predated expectations, the peripherals were exchanging to the wall, that exchanged the destination of footwear, accommodation was the upkeep in a placement of fashion. Withstood the chartered skyline, they spoke, the writer into contention, each compliment shared by the unrecognisable other, disarming then artist their illusionary substance of inhibition. The freeze expanded the updated support, brief became factual, seeing to the untempered melancholy, this one arrived for your place of rest, they whispered in between factual restoration, the walls were infertile until his name mentioned. 

    Then investigators prior her subdual thoughts, in contention. They cared the painting belong studious, re-enactments gave the unbridled enclosures a sentimentality, and drifted with his expanding insights, the chill became restless, the audio crisp as a frozen contender. Those lanterns of renewable light, shaded the paint aptly, monochrome in diametrical solitude, the rain fled the downpour another cup of dirty chia.

    The silvery studio was running on the kernel, a impenetrable flask of considerable intuition, the marked makers thanked the supportive girl, her wish was to disarm him, broker him into the open, the copious night protected in unspent cartridge, lain the storm surpassed. Articulated in a nighty compass, the day awoke his fashionable tartan strides, leathery remembrances, the collar fat jackets of the pocketed directions, Samuel’s sight became the existential boarder, variations did not count to the insights impediment, distance withdrawing the lantern into contention.

    Silvery notes epoch the rounding lantern, subsidies the hallmarked content, fiat the courage to shape the lanterns reshaping the counter offers, of titles in promiscuous offences, castles the of capital recoveries. The reflection had shaped in another contention, unopposable to discovery, their instigator to a prone landfall, constitution was a fiat punishable by lands protection. Sweet was the words they had spared them, those spearmint halls, gathered to his recollection, declaring one peripheral gramophone, the investigative thoughts discovered, not prepared him for.

    Ep – 14

    The slightly folded precept crevice, carried between thoughts of wisdom of the doctorate spices, they charged the ambient spirt longing for wisdom, fourteen the plastic bridal filleth their spatial airs. Leaves are the coherent justify in locality, the flora has redeemed the ritual imprints colonial trespasses, the frequency one scorns, suggestions of mid central industrious world parties, small comfort in jetsam dreams. My phosphorus dreamtime, falling amphibian airs, prone to extracting the sprite of recovery. They courage them to remain in coherent foundation, instinct fractions spaced the tenure of expedition, the obvious was their dreamtime, collaborations with reconciling with the epic, those in a survival platform honours listing.

    Shifting rock for dirt, eyeing then inescapable trails, was the rounding child of thorn and twig, bark fallen night, the exchange provided wells in teary pulp, memory were their recorded solitudes, the tramlines network lain infinite to watches. My name the land, they recoiled the intermittent suggest, a transfer for affixing localities, the published Kangaroo aged with frailly remembrance, Samuels a introvert in subversion, the old gregarious Kangaroo drew the landing a matrimony for Samuel to return those spices he buried his shoulder with prosperity. Music had replaced with inner city ends, traversed the optical dreamtime fluent in county.

    They had verse in redressing verse, playing the least occupational landing, rare the phonic lad had relayed their protest nuptial, my convenient platitudes rested in his offerings, in lieu of disarming constriction, we played the game and berries through fortifying attest, the same address burnt with compunction. The painting became optional, they fell the firmament, when the night arrived saved. Quantum space interluded his professor a gem in time, winter eroded the fragile customary thought, tickets were sold by Samuel for the inexpensive tram, genial in time, they refilling wine sold by the content. Cylindrical counters the dress folded fabric cost to their pregnant dingoes, Samuel reloaded a plating, the emergent figurine comely in fabrics radiant skyline.

    Nana dingo in winter clothed, with spite ales contenting love, shutter speeding those tickets informal, the lazy night awoken, ambient sister in related terra, wore to whisky the hemline sorrows the eye, mind in thought, pleasures of the emergent sky.

    Ep – 15

    We sit the moon, name our linear binders, epochs to the treble starlight, once appearance, twice appearing static shimmery, those rounding features of moonlit junctions. Emblematic flora and humanities tonic plates, conspicuous rivers domains the times sensual contention, relic to war and swain, garden to mind and precious minerals, phosphorous or silica, we actual to the moon. Domain to reappearance, the lads sun arose, night fell with the ambient backslash, the theatre we upended to the future, they disarmed to rewrite then styles, instrumental cadences supported actual fractions, those intertwining gossamers shared threads of revision. The esteem funded catalyst lobbied as the swains, unexplained with expedience, nomenclature advanced in stylist foundations, all astute learnings to atomic harmony, sliding welfare to those allies.

    Beta blocks never withstood advancement, Geisha mouse accounted to then a secondary moon, to thesis them a tidal patronage of silvery fissures, once systematic to the pregnant season’s. Gem placement the resilient geometric quantum atoms, those calculate winters prizing in homogenous seasons, reread the timeline of institutional impairment, the calculus subscribed to Nepal’s cat whom, lain the dormant supplement application. Estuaries of precious singularity, the subscription were valour to instrumentalist of piecemeal equality, forgeries of distraction made the war genuine, the fragmented one in recovery, sold aptitude by the declaration of a closing space, phosphorous silver silicon forecasts, all intermittent recovery news.

    Geisha mouse aged with the acknowledging knowledge, pre-existing a prior to welfare the learned learner, a habitual approximation too social identity, brotherhood withstood to the founding thesis, all independent news is journaled with the same application, becoming news to the factual idolatry infirmed brotherhood. Conspicuous gratitude leaves the quantum failures for then global distractions, various seasonal attractions, prone to awaking cultural displacement, linage displacements the cost of intermediate forgeries, one moon, two expectations, founding insecurities in the familiar presentation, fashion rewards consumers of independent quest.

    Two unforeseen circumstances in time and space, closures of restoration, fathoms in time, replications in near spatial starlit moons, two sequential sunsets, one made with linear time, the light intermittent of age. The other reclaiming the sunrise mornings, occupational of sundries nightfall, the same timeline existent, resilient wares in aboded, inflaming spectral journalist of war, coverage to the open camera lenses, fashion twixt the moon, wars fashion the twixt embody, regression for the infantile mother of manifold vicissitudes.

    Ep – 16

    Choose inclining climes, to metric in abundance, factual in another timeline, corridors to replenish store. Cast was included with the resolving works of artistic endeavours, berries or the season with grains, the same wall held to the everlasting drone, framed in ink and shelved by the fashionable tones. Two reds one blue, a distant painting dissolved, flagrantly once in colour, the compromise were shadowing the bountiful rest, framing in the textural flavours one colour to remedy the personal attributes one conceives as belonging through disarming confliction. Our tenure to expand formalities, betrothed to eon, the flesh of the recovering page, two lines of timeless shading, procuring the sound of light. Balances rich in contrasts, piqued summaries the fictional Samuel redressed his landscapes, apertures the directional earth, expedient coverages the remissible language folded vestures, retail limits the homogenous traffic, congestion fired patronage, a visible singular shaded the recovery price.

    They noted Ken to magenta leaves, koalas see into the respite of bracken and Ken koala occupied their thoughts, dreams are heard throughout these climes, shedding bracken, shedding branch. The wall flickered as if the artist has two paints, one colour drifted to the coffee, there the spirit light wrote infinite occasions, replicating in voice. Samuels vest was tunic and thorn, over threading him visually prone to replication, the standard fuel burnt the symbolic colour a higher Senate, they clothed his visitation, as the warmth reclined to age the salient outline. Abundance one colour more. Ken left the painting to revive the magenta night, Samuel loaned supportive solitude, those words mentioned, fashioned too another place in foundation, orange arteries are skeletal passengers, founding the equivalent way to views in monochrome displacement, Paris fell the trusses, framing in the only conclusion, as Samuel redeployed his holster.

    The sky were in disguise of Nanas sister, winter intervened with abreast colour, the fell needed reporting, should nurture or suture need extracting, coding came early to the final production, the chair decides a wavier of contention, seating for the servitude made redundant. Geisha mouse reappeared the previous years end, in contrast to the theatre, the droll framework was chambered to restoration, the residing Koala reeled those eons, pines were introduced the following year, shipment inland founded a suitable tailor, they coordinated open fashions. The acknowledgement wrote: display of the artistic endeavours are inviting the encompassed spatial, a three bedroom house, bath, stove for hearth, one years supply of valiance, cushioned stayovers and contours of orange paint.

    The valued pint repaid, the landscape with mediation, fait occupation becoming of state welfare, those generationally displaced practitioners were disarmed by excessive tutorage, warmongering the fearful anxious expedient fashion design, tutelage the canvassed audience, staged the seasonal patronage void of comprehending interactive application. Ruins of patronage replaced the voice of colour, mingling with those infinite patients, credentials surpassing the destruction of renewal, ambition in recourse of propriety, lesser the disarming equality by manufactured infrastructures, the very self worth seen through inhuman conduction, seeding the planet with eon and intrinsic inertial inheritance.

    Ep – 17

    Desist the coffee remain aromatic, my cup one of java noteworthy, remained for the unclassified franchise, they choose cup over rebellion, they glow with ignition. Remarkable their eternity sequesters a nuclei of fusion, the very realm required for reappearance, atomic catalysts the microwaves of one mice, the chlorophyll seeded in mouse life, then energies of a temporal fusion, extracting interacting computations, they seized the millenniums internal calculate, with a coexist analogue of format, timing in weightless energy, binary to the fall of generational Two, one thousand the more they alighted, free spirited a co pilot, infinite spacetime should replicate them a very increment of patchwork ornament.

    Caretakers are you of divided time, the service proviso in suggested nutrients; cup one coffee, we all share, later those intakes, refuelling our expedience, capital pastries with patchwork ornamentation, very suffice would the peels of branchless those baring a seasonal shelf. Space in accordance metric ages of the ruminant pastures a thrill to congest those seedless hoppers, align with oceans a see, abundance you and i the replated fixtures, fuelling us a replenish of wishes. Stardom works the binary glucose, hearth our bakery sufficient, gloss the appetite with autocorrect seeds of bushes or make the reminders a enterprise of select berries, calculate the time provided, stock repatriation the congestion needless those incumbent of thoughts.

    Solitude burnt the warfare, the territory masked those reapplying wellbeing. Locality the prosperous introspection, destruction of a catalyst made inclusive by interim coercion, internal cohesion of enabled destitution, shapeshifting a familiar attire for the rotational expedience of a princely summation, congestive or retrospective, the earth salient of plentiful dilation. Two factions of remedies, gluttony reduces a shifting authority, one reprimanded with exile as the profited welfare is shaped in governance, the concluding factoring in the maze one redefines exclusive by default, the jitter of welfares affirmation, the burnt destruction of capitulating the acceptance of captivity, thwart by the toxicity of national discourse.

    The hours surpassed grace, those more the less juxtaposed their returning hearth, a genuine recall of energies, they updated the millennial nutrition, a exercise in formality, capital saving a gratitude, the very intrinsic affirmation. What you don’t have, isn’t that you don’t have to energy a reshare, it’s we accordance those familiar with acceptance, love, the provisional time withheld, bond with our planetary attributes, those sold by contributing the lesser valued wares, a earth responding displacement, contributary by empirical fortification.

    Geisha mouse rounded the firstly cocktails, muds of salty caramel, cordial to the spoken of return for cups by the founding coffees. Delicious pinks of a print of charred biscuit, savoury bit sized whispers the fortunate plater a contender of seized bite safe returns. Two courses of cheeses, replenishing the first. Monument a sacred earth her rounding thoroughfare, crusts or bun’s, Yorkshire pudding out paced the time we remembered those firstly mice were weighted by patronage, physiology updated there inclining threshold, they held to the carvery, one combustion of fusion, cellularly spaced for reaffirming our land belongs the ethereal time we keep to hours, to be-love a indifferent inherit.

    Ep – 18

    Editing volume greater than an essential amount, prevalent to the sensory visual occupies, synoptic patters of mass. The agent descriptive of nurture, summarised the preventive incline, one escarpment to another, the editing coffees recluse to distance, times travel, perception of a visionary frequent, resulting from coco beans of aromatic conception. They did not meet the fledgling consumer, augmented in a decided pocket, structural compacities to identify whom was the neediest cup. The mounting evidence paraphrased in distorting culpable landfill, had those energies filter the recourse, a cordoned slide of visuals physicality. The slide of patronage meet the conveyor of sound health. 

    Winter arrived in exult for another transaction, snow fell as the sunset barely arose without trending to the occupational distances, vendors piecemeal, a wifi turret of seclusion for the edifice, redressing Stonehenge a place of compatibility. Monolithic hands of time, they withdrew their ceiling of a starry veil, should pagan or rite, have conductively hallowed the shallowing market, an active pillars soliloquy in syllogism, taut or fragrant, the volume was exceeding the ceiling, fell to quantify those seasonal departures. 

    Those fares travelled smite in contributing discovery, four-hundred were metered out in global patronage, it didn’t attain to symbolic cartels, word’s were fashion, studious as the fallen snow; apparel netted assistance, facial recognition to a covert assimilation. The future forwarded a shallow imprint, those pending words corrected for a sovereign transfer, lusts compendium, inducive for interacting youth or reacting warmth; the meter of memoir showing to the resistance of capitulating the age of generational displacement. As they sanitized the lightly selective, the cuppa, once upheld for matriarch, disorder in manifest, those times they are a changing, the physicality of remembrance, challenges the spite on aligning time with sociology.

    Ep – 19

    The resolve was incredulous, their repertoire were nullified, they aged the teat to encourage further the conservation, rounding in sate plates of offers, the lone tea swept left the room unanswered for, mine or for mind, those vestibular inductions carried the hand picked drums, aplenty a elephant roomed there dockyards. Spice or tea, they arrived with ocular cheeks of rose, the somatic creates drifted emptied to the east, they dislodged my standing on hardwoods, the prepaid create, provided to the afternoon, or the hours reclined for settling, they attach strings. The hostile wind through serenity, nana and her drumming westerly conversation, brought life to Samuel, they dwelled once, finding sovereignty was cargo in bay leaf retention, favour by Giesha mouse, thoughtful handpicked leaves, carried to by the rounding bitter, just the way, out of Samuels breach.

    They curtailed in prosperity, only to have land values increase the workload, in advent time, industry created a spontaneous shelve, made to by surplus energies, screenshots the instamatic three day week. Samuel outsourced the banker, the weekend paid for by an extra advert, those days shortly becoming to entertainment or ceremony. The curb resided with nanas conversate, we learnt knowingly to introspect the thoughtful, once to the threshold, they are seen to by the invasive tea, speculation another pricipality offered upkeep, the defining trademark sipped or gulp a lease on overtime. Garaged in sworn in swearing, those jackets, and how to wear compliments, they abreivate to the kangaroos fob watch, she knight those words in plagiarism, the only way we could hear in on the conservation.

    Delineated time was the onset of the company she arose to, spoke in brief about speaking, your need to not know the handwriting, the koala asked Ken about the reappearance of gestures, the refrained hardwood patches, bled with sundry mined eyes. It was just easier to forget, then believe what another should think, should i rethink myself agreeing with him, agreeing to hold you responsible for my love of writing those words you hear at once, you’re not here. Ken koala journaled those spices, as the jetsam found our curbside contender, patronage to those about us, if by imports found to the right siding, exports are founding there lies, dissolving in occupational ties.

    Ep – 20

    The foregone catalyst, numeric expansions encased a concept of thought, seeing to the analytical conundrum, leaves fall the Autumn prey, they spiral in spherical catch, reproduced lay of upswept contemplation. Matter the mindful time, a regressive branch discards her postal colourful ambrosia, timely instants the fall records annual habitation, the very exist we replete to vivid composition, composing multitudes of variant shapely, format, the open escarpment to vilify a singularity of patter placement; germinating the maturing surrounds, informing one lost brief, identifies the causation of imagery as whole, the individual brief, secluded a maturing vanity, one costly reproduction of natures formalities. Our introduced leaves as a multitude, their resemblance is counterintuitive of pattern placement, to consider a matter of factual exactness.

    Hypothesis is to saving expressions of similarity, causation if a familiar identity, is to assume the sense of seeing, the equivalent to seeing the retrospect of reproduction, is a fleeting conclusion. Connective optical conclusions could vary the photogenic singularity, briefly adapted to a sense of thoughts, interaction of feeling the containment in hubris interactions, seen to by the sampling of thinking thoughts; to listening with example to the reappearance of intuitively thoughtful futurity. The expression of seeing, is being absolute to the scenery of sensation, them bearing only those words, the resumption of inclusion, interaction has no known point of conclusion, outsourced by the blooming age of Winters discarded conflict.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 15

    We sit the moon, name our linear binders, epochs to the treble starlight, once appearance, twice appearing static shimmery, those rounding features of moonlit junctions. Emblematic flora and humanities tonic plates, conspicuous rivers domains the times sensual contention, relic to war and swain, garden to mind and precious minerals, phosphorous or silica, we actual to the moon. Domain to reappearance, the lads sun arose, night fell with the ambient backslash, the theatre we upended to the future, they disarmed to rewrite then styles, instrumental cadences supported actual fractions, those intertwining gossamers shared threads of revision. The esteem funded catalyst lobbied as the swains, unexplained with expedience, nomenclature advanced in stylist foundations, all astute learnings to atomic harmony, sliding welfare to those allies.

    Beta blocks never withstood advancement, Geisha mouse accounted to then a secondary moon, to thesis them a tidal patronage of silvery fissures, once systematic to the pregnant season’s. Gem placement the resilient geometric quantum atoms, those calculate winters prizing in homogenous seasons, reread the timeline of institutional impairment, the calculus subscribed to Nepal’s cat whom, lain the dormant supplement application. Estuaries of precious singularity, the subscription were valour to instrumentalist of piecemeal equality, forgeries of distraction made the war genuine, the fragmented one in recovery, sold aptitude by the declaration of a closing space, phosphorous silver silicon forecasts, all intermittent recovery news.

    Geisha mouse aged with the acknowledging knowledge, pre-existing a prior to welfare the learned learner, a habitual approximation too social identity, brotherhood withstood to the founding thesis, all independent news is journaled with the same application, becoming news to the factual idolatry infirmed brotherhood. Conspicuous gratitude leaves the quantum failures for then global distractions, various seasonal attractions, prone to awaking cultural displacement, linage displacements the cost of intermediate forgeries, one moon, two expectations, founding insecurities in the familiar presentation, fashion rewards consumers of independent quest.

    Two unforeseen circumstances in time and space, closures of restoration, fathoms in time, replications in near spatial starlit moons, two sequential sunsets, one made with linear time, the light intermittent of age. The other reclaiming the sunrise mornings, occupational of sundries nightfall, the same timeline existent, resilient wares in aboded, inflaming spectral journalist of war, coverage to the open camera lenses, fashion twixt the moon, wars fashion the twixt embody, regression for the infantile mother of manifold vicissitudes.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 14

    The slightly folded precept crevice, carried between thoughts of wisdom of the doctorate spices, they charged the ambient spirt longing for wisdom, fourteen the plastic bridal filleth their spatial airs. Leaves are the coherent justify in locality, the flora has redeemed the ritual imprints colonial trespasses, the frequency one scorns, suggestions of mid central industrious world parties, small comfort in jetsam dreams. My phosphorus dreamtime, falling amphibian airs, prone to extracting the sprite of recovery. They courage them to remain in coherent foundation, instinct fractions spaced the tenure of expedition, the obvious was their dreamtime, collaborations with reconciling with the epic, those in a survival platform honours listing.

    Shifting rock for dirt, eyeing then inescapable trails, was the rounding child of thorn and twig, bark fallen night, the exchange provided wells in teary pulp, memory were their recorded solitudes, the tramlines network lain infinite to watches. My name the land, they recoiled the intermittent suggest, a transfer for affixing localities, the published Kangaroo aged with frailly remembrance, Samuels a introvert in subversion, the old gregarious Kangaroo drew the landing a matrimony for Samuel to return those spices he buried his shoulder with prosperity. Music had replaced with inner city ends, traversed the optical dreamtime fluent in county.

    They had verse in redressing verse, playing the least occupational landing, rare the phonic lad had relayed their protest nuptial, my convenient platitudes rested in his offerings, in lieu of disarming constriction, we played the game and berries through fortifying attest, the same address burnt with compunction. The painting became optional, they fell the firmament, when the night arrived saved. Quantum space interluded his professor a gem in time, winter eroded the fragile customary thought, tickets were sold by Samuel for the inexpensive tram, genial in time, they refilling wine sold by the content. Cylindrical counters the dress folded fabric cost to their pregnant dingoes, Samuel reloaded a plating, the emergent figurine comely in fabrics radiant skyline.

    Nana dingo in winter clothed, with spite ales contenting love, shutter speeding those tickets informal, the lazy night awoken, ambient sister in related terra, wore to whisky the hemline sorrows the eye, mind in thought, pleasures of the emergent sky.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 13

    The studio predated expectations, the peripherals were exchanging to the wall, that exchanged the destination of footwear, accommodation was the upkeep in a placement of fashion. Withstood the chartered skyline, they spoke, the writer into contention, each compliment shared by the unrecognisable other, disarming then artist their illusionary substance of inhibition. The freeze expanded the updated support, brief became factual, seeing to the untempered melancholy, this one arrived for your place of rest, they whispered in between factual restoration, the walls were infertile until his name mentioned.

    Then investigators prior her subdual thoughts, in contention. They cared the painting belong studious, re-enactments gave the unbridled enclosures a sentimentality, and drifted with his expanding insights, the chill became restless, the audio crisp as a frozen contender. Those lanterns of renewable light, shaded the paint aptly, monochrome in diametrical solitude, the rain fled the downpour another cup of dirty chia.

    The silvery studio was running on the kernel, a impenetrable flask of considerable intuition, the marked makers thanked the supportive girl, her wish was to disarm him, broker him into the open, the copious night protected in unspent cartridge, lain the storm surpassed. Articulated in a nighty compass, the day awoke his fashionable tartan strides, leathery remembrances, the collar fat jackets of the pocketed directions, Samuel’s sight became the existential boarder, variations did not count to the insights impediment, distance withdrawing the lantern into contention.

    Silvery notes epoch the rounding lantern, subsidies the hallmarked content, fiat the courage to shape the lanterns reshaping the counter offers, of titles in promiscuous offences, castles the of capital recoveries. The reflection had shaped in another contention, unopposable to discovery, their instigator to a prone landfall, constitution was a fiat punishable by lands protection. Sweet was the words they had spared them, those spearmint halls, gathered to his recollection, declaring one peripheral gramophone, the investigative thoughts discovered, not prepared him for.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Heroines Rouge

    My conclusive love enamour, the annoyance one is fashioned from, expedience rouge her taut price tag, economics of a lover, they comely readdressed to, the Red soil saved by the understudy, hips that amend the resolute sharpie. The contest were his arrested eyes, colour wasn’t a word then. Concealed in the depths of contortion, the attracting science was little or preparable for the parliament of copious heroines, two owls of magenta countries, the cradled cell of rewrites the thorn coloured child.

    Romance a forgone fashion, bellows the wetlands reed, and you save the needle fasting for his returning, the same plane, the cells of weather, and traces the vain lands magenta crooked, onlookers dusty instep. How the Owl service a rescue find, the embedded matrix a heralded Knight in armour, wrote his least kept secret, the love twisted deeply and fearlessly. Encourage wasn’t well kept, the favourable upheld the dusty impasses consequential, for they wear them crochet gamers a mirrored Owl, to reserve the dust borne Parliament home.

    The feathery children live, on the spontaneous night, studious too the sound of the reaper, gamers of the keystone representative, of lovers of sound advice. The night airs replenished with yearly stocktakes, the kangaroo found bananas impulsively good too, wombats were as one sight, the other far to at large for his replate of our garden peaches, and Swallows challenged the middle-day Sun to night. As the news became her disbelief, the matrix spoke of demigods and the media of the weakest muse.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©

  • Ep – 12

    Geisha mouse replaces nuance of gender, those skilled in belated thoughts, merriment to adaptive imprints, their causal mindful solace reciprocated in our eternal solitude, the mistrust of there fabric, patronage to the external ages. The variance of conversion, salient a conversate in proximity, valued with comparably suggestive reunion, font exchanges aggrievement, exceling the nodes of recourse, homogenous thought adaptive interludes you suggestive in contentment. Hard drive or realigned challenging perceived occupation, they softly reflected to the void of compassions, incoming commitments represented myopic detailed remembrance through epoch, rendering vascular conscience the upkeep of formality.

    My gestured appearance was of their resolution, they embalmed sensory connectivity, realigning treacherously a puzzled ambrosia of salient wares of the impending spoken softly hardware, reciprocals we attentive a informal depository of concluding Paris did not answer to three courtships, Nepal’s cat, Samuel, or keeping invariable offerings of applicating, returning core temperate love for deity or wintery solutions. Could our mined vascular heart contend with foundry and execution, the distance of their silhouetted lives traversed.

    Paris left a detailed reservoir of virtue, they published holidays or remembrance; the one you retold to me, about a flight we missed, or that supposedly we missed never arriving. I said it was fate, and then we argue the moment fate takes place, you are forgotten, likely to never know the language we are inscribed too, those silvery girls over there you never saw them leaving a polite glance, or that catalogue we are binding to; the music to recorded textual provisos. You said all this will never exist casually, because you and I don’t concede, that become the softly spoken verb, that you see me gracious and at the approximant time, we left the silvery girls.

    The notation were infinity apprehending, the reality of prosperity overrated then complexity of coexistence, the one you know of is our prosperity, as they have the consideration of two, one of comparison, one of their shared thoughts, the one that we reside to, the comfort of experience. Love shared is love prospered, kindship is love in prosperity, the love resumed for equation, those interacting events we are our esteem palatable. The override connectivity is superficial for exacting time, you may record code or Java, trust them holding to a slumbered refuel; then Nepal’s cat on your road to node the embarking will request the appeasement, to instigate Samuel mind his esteemed nuance in equalising him a learned tutor.

    2024 Adam Blewett ©