Top Five.. Home Cooked Meals on A Student Budget!

Top 5 places to eat on a SB (1)


So, this weekend I am not travelling home to Cavan, to the comfort of my mothers dinners, so this weekend I am fending for myself!

With the last few pennies of my wages, I have to try to arrange three extra days of food!! So this gave me the idea of creating a Top Five.. Home Cooked Meals on A Student Budget! 

Now, I’m a very, very fussy eater so I hope I’ve catered for all tastes and lifestyles! Hope you enjoy!

1. Beer Can Chicken 


How could you not want to try this? This idea is not only genius, but delicious!  A cheap whole chicken, bit of mixed herbs, and a can of beer. Boom! dinner sorted for two days!!!

2. Stir Fry

stir fry

A student classic, all ingredients in one pan, it couldn’t get any easier. Chicken fillets (tofu) , chili sauce, soy sauce, garlic and so peppers. Sorted! Oh and of course noodles! (Not the pot noodle kind!!)

3. Simple Sweet Potato

sweet potato

Well, yeah maybe it could be easier. And the simplistic baked sweet potato is the answer. Topped with a bit of cheese and hey presto, dinner! 

4. Stew


Now, I’m going to put this out there, this is not the cheapest! But it is cooked in bulk, therefore you can freeze it and have loads of dinners for weeks to come! Genius I know!  But Stew is an Irish Classic, it will keep you full for a week and it’s all cooked in the one pot so less cleaning up to do after!!

5. Nutella Mug Cake


No dinner is complete without dessert. It would be rude not to I suppose!  So one cheap and cheerful way to do this is, make it yourself! Everyone loves baking, so have some fun! All you need is some Nutella (or equivalent) some sugar, one egg, milk, flour and come coco power! .. Simple!


Send us your pic’s of you masterpieces, disastrous or not! We would love to see them! Catch us on twitter at @EduIreland

Yes, I do know my food, but the rest of the team know more about education! For more information, please visit


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