The Lonsdale Project


Lonsdale Project Poster

The Lonsdale Project is a new theatre show for ages 11+ about the life and work of Kathleen Lonsdale (1903 – 1971), a Kildare-born chemist and crystallographer.  She was also an anti-war campaigner, a writer, a mother of three, and an activist for penal reform in the UK, having served time in Holloway Prison.  Despite being lauded in her field and renowned in her time, Lonsdale’s name and scientific legacy are curiously unknown by the general public.  

Super Paua and the Riverbank Arts Centre want to change that. We’ve gathered an interdisciplinary team of artists, educators and scientists, and challenged ourselves to make a fun, engaging piece of performance that explores X-ray diffraction, crystal space groups, pacifism, hexamethylbenzene, and how we remember (or forget) the great scientists of times gone by.


Funded by An Chomhairle Ealaíon and Science Foundation Ireland, and developed with the support of Baboro International Arts Festival for Children, The Royal Institution, Technological University for Dublin, University College London and SciFest.

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