
“The wise man doesn’t give the right answers, he poses the right questions.”
Claude Levi-Strauss

A New Me is a book that shows Jacek’s journey through a process of self-awareness, self discovery and self-improvement. He shares with you the process that brought him through meanders of life to the place he is today, which he calls the good life.

In this book, A New Me, Jacek Salek invites you to become a student and a teacher both at the same time, and to think, analyse and come to your own conclusions. By posing relevant questions, he reveals his thoughts and experiences which he has gathered during his interesting and rich life journey.

In an easy to follow way he shares with you the most important steps so that you can go through each one yourself to discover your own path to a good life. Jacek went through quite diverse experiences. He emigrated to the Netherlands which cost him his first marriage.

He started all over again and was blessed with the love of his life, and he rebuilt his existence in the Netherlands where he started as a manual worker to become the entrepreneur, author and speaker he is today. The promise Jacek makes in this book is to help you find your path. Jacek keeps his promise by revealing his system of becoming A New Me. If you are a seeker of the good life, this is for sure one book to read!

Raymond Aaron
New York Times bestselling Author

Buy the book on and I can promise you one more thing: half of the income ever generated from this book will be donated to help educate young children in countries that need education the most. I hope, in this way, we both can do something good!