
Zombie Film Log

Here’s a list of Zombie films & shows, that I’ve watched TV / Series [x] All of us Are Dead (2022 Netflix Series) [x] Black Summer [x] Daybreak (2019 Netflix Series) [ ] Kingdom (2020 Netflix Series) [x] Resident Evil (2022 Netflix Series) [ ] Resident Evil Infinite Darkness (2021 Netflix Series) [x] Santa Clarita…

The Veil

I regularly reach out to caress the veil between the illusion of the so called real world. The fingers of my mind barely touch the surface, unable to wrap around and get purchase on it. I yearn to grab ahold and yank or to pierce and tear to see the truth beyond. Sensing the thin…


Sometimes forgetting your past lives is a great gift but those brief flickers of recollection are the greatest pain. The real world is both illusion and all we have, ultimately. There is yet no escape from samsara. We all choose rebirth over oblivion time again. The pain and suffering we share back and forth tie…

Movie Review: Star Wars The Last Jedi

A couple of hours ago my brother and I went to see Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.  I  had heard so many positive reviews, but just as many negatives.  People seemed to either love the movie or hate it, nobody was on the fence.  I knew that I needed to see it for myself…


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