Biology and the Body

As Berlin held the 1936 Olympics, these athletes changed their sex 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
Assigned female at birth, some went on to live as men
Eugenicists, sexists, racists, and fascists held power. Possibilities were disrupted when the Nazis rose. And the 1936 Olympics belonged to Hitler.

The indispensable history of ‘sex testing’ in sports (Gender Identity Today)
Waters keeps the book focused on the 1930s, with the history told in such a way that it’s crystal clear how it’s relevant today. The moral panic over trans people in sports continues not to be about sports.

Three books that tell us to smash our categories 6-min ⏰⏰
Recommended nonfiction by Miller, Fox, and Waters
Nonfiction recommendations: A 2020 book about David Starr Jordan, a 2023 book about William Beebe, and a 2024 book about Avery Brundage.

Oh, it’s about sports, is it? 14-min ⏰⏰⏰
Nope, it’s not. It’s about constraining transgender lives.
I don’t judge sports. I don’t pretend to. But I can detect when someone alleges injury and proposes a false remedy to delegitimize a group of people.

The trope about transgender people’s bones (2022) (DD)

The anti-trans message is that the state owns your body (DD)

Yes, trans people ‘know in intimate detail the history of this recent medical intervention’ (Stryker) (DD)

Medical groups that support gender-affirming care (MSNBC graphic, 2024) (DD)

ADF doctrine on human biological sex (DD)

Thoughts on the definition of biological sex (DD)

10 problems with the ‘sex assigned at birth’ essay 6-min ⏰⏰
They’re in what’s said — and not said
This isn’t a cost-benefit calculation. If we really looked at the term ‘sex assigned at birth,’ we might find that the benefits outweigh the costs.

On the trans person’s body: It was ‘a little phrase just for you!’ (DD)

They restrict puberty-blockers and then keep you out of sports because you went through puberty (DD)

When I, a trans person, spoke to a bioethicist about consequences 7-min ⏰⏰
We did not agree, and I was wrong
But I wouldn’t have wanted the state to send me to a mandated mental health counselor nor hand up six months of counseling notes to a bioethicist.